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Crak_JMan 03-29-2004 02:44 PM

Hey guys! we have done a soft launch of http://www.gamblingboard.com

It is now split into 2 sections - Players and Webmasters. We are going to be updating the site regularily.

We're looking for some feedback and suggestions on the site. How we can make it better and such.

We are also looking to have the main page top banner remade to add a bit more pazazz. The long one on the first page, not the one on the sub pages. If you would like to redesign it- hit up JMan: jman@gamblingboard.com

Also have some good spots available for Hard link swaps. It's a PR 6 right now and that will be rising soon.

Anyways what do you think?

brad@gamblingboard.com (Webmaster)- site suggestions/comments and link back
jman@gamblingboard.com (Owner) - advertising opportunities

Evil Chris 03-29-2004 02:50 PM

Nice job on the re-alignment to a VB board!
Looks tight!

BradM 03-29-2004 04:03 PM

Word. :)

We're pretty excited about it. It will get cleaned up and really streamlined as we add more content.

Magnus3x 03-29-2004 05:37 PM

nice nice.. Brad you back slavin for the Jman I see.. *S*

blazi 03-30-2004 03:58 PM

good luck with the new site!

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