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pornkitten 04-02-2004 05:01 AM

Monaro I miss u!
I couldnt log in before but I tried to message u. I had a bad week someone used my credit card illegally and ran up my fucking credit card bill. I think it was a hacker cuz I shop online alot. Im sure they will catch the person. Also my dad broke his foot so I was helping him and taking care of the baby.. Well anyway talk to me on ICQ

Deise 04-02-2004 06:29 AM

Oh!You had a hard week!
I hope things are better now to you!


monaro 04-02-2004 08:42 AM

Re: Monaro I miss u!
g'day kitten,

Have you a idea of who has done this? Did you cancel your card and contact your bank to handle the charge backs. Who has access to your personal records?

The ip address will be recored with the transaction numbers with the billing company, so you will be able to trace them back to there isp.

I suggest to contact http://www.secretservice.gov/index.shtml
Public Affairs
U.S. Secret Service
Office of Government Liaison & Public Affairs
245 Murray Drive,
Building 410,
Washington, DC 20223
E-mail Public Affairs

and report this matter straight away, and give all details within the first contact email.

i checked and see that you are still on my icq, hope you are okay, chat with you soon.

monaro 04-02-2004 06:48 PM

Re: Re: Monaro I miss u!
im online right now, where are you?

monaro 04-05-2004 02:17 AM

kittin, just post a reply and i shall do my best to be online to help you with your problem.

Tonight I am doing my commitment that I owe nanda =)

monaro 04-05-2004 02:58 AM

Re: Monaro I miss u!

Originally posted by pornkitten
I couldnt log in before but I tried to message u. I had a bad week someone used my credit card illegally and ran up my fucking credit card bill. I think it was a hacker cuz I shop online alot. Im sure they will catch the person. Also my dad broke his foot so I was helping him and taking care of the baby.. Well anyway talk to me on ICQ

Also after much thinking on this matter, I have found a url that might be useful to you in the future after your bank issues with a new credit card.


Its a protection for a credit card.. But it looks like it will only be useful if you only buy from places that have been verified by visa already!

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