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Bratt 04-02-2004 12:25 PM


During our routine sweep of the Internet, We, the Internet Police, have discovered that you have been on your chair in front of the computer TOO LONG!

You are HEREBY ORDERED to clean up that pile of cups, cans, wrappers and papers on your desk (yes, we can see you -- sit up straight!) and after you have logged into the real world for a minimum of ten minutes, you may log back on to the Internet.

Failure to comply may result in loss of reality, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the requirement of a larger chair.

The timer starts NOW! Get off your butt -- you'll thank us for it later

Mefo 04-02-2004 01:57 PM

My desk is always clean :rolleyes:

rabble 04-02-2004 05:27 PM

Too late. Cleaned it up this morning.
(Just posting because I got a email from this board this morning saying although I have registered here I have never posted).

And ... oh yeah: Reality? Been there once.
Almost flipped out.

Panky 04-02-2004 05:37 PM

Welcum to XNations rabble! <img src="http://www.adultisubmit4u.com/Smile/wave2.gif" width="25" height="22">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

Bratt 04-05-2004 01:29 PM


Originally posted by rabble

And ... oh yeah: Reality? Been there once.
Almost flipped out.

Reality?..... that scares me... hehehe

blazi 04-05-2004 02:11 PM

come to think of it, I could do some cleaning today!!

rabble 05-16-2008 08:15 AM

4 years since my last post???

have I been battling windmills?

Ashley 05-16-2008 09:57 AM

My desk at home is always clean. And in the office? Um....thats not my duty :)

Casa Nova 05-16-2008 10:04 AM

My desk is nice and clean, I can't stand an unorganized desk.

Strickie 05-16-2008 12:38 PM

LOL, thanks for the reminder :)

Rochard 05-16-2008 06:43 PM

My desk is spotless.

Also, I bought a new chair with a tall back. It's not comfy to sit in the chair without sitting up straight.

So someone must have me confused with someone else.

sexyvanessa 05-19-2008 10:23 PM

I'd love a clean desk, if only there were time....

Mr. Plow 05-20-2008 01:01 AM

Thanks for the reminder. I'm in danger of looking like Comic Book Guy:P

Magnus3x 05-20-2008 10:33 AM

Creative people tend to have more desk clutter.

Way3 05-20-2008 01:04 PM

Thanks for the cleanup reminder! :laughout:

2MuchMark 05-20-2008 04:14 PM

Someone show Mediaguy Greg this post. His desk looks like a Kansas trailer park after a Tornado.

Sticky Dana 05-21-2008 12:04 AM

My desk is just asking to be cleaned

dyonisus 05-22-2008 06:35 PM

I keep mine organized...
I like to take regular breaks away from it to visit my boss in the next room as opposed to IMing.
though food can be a hazzard around my desk drops abd crumbs oh my

Funbrunette 05-22-2008 08:24 PM

OMG mayhem describes my desk at the office :laughout: but oddly enough I find everything!

StaceyJo 05-23-2008 09:18 AM

well, Im pretty clean, I love to work when I see thing in ordered...

rabble 01-31-2010 12:55 AM

If a cluttered desk shows a cluttered mind
what does an empty desk show?

(seven years between posts?)
new X-Nations record?
I think so.

This is the earliest I've ever been so late.

rhetorical 01-31-2010 03:01 AM

Rabble.....you were the shit on amateurmasters....

Funbrunette 01-31-2010 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by rabble (Post 163230)
If a cluttered desk shows a cluttered mind
what does an empty desk show?

(seven years between posts?)
new X-Nations record?
I think so.

This is the earliest I've ever been so late.

Talk about an old thread! Had me wondering....! Welcome back I guess?

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