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wheeee 04-03-2004 07:37 PM

pr4+ hard link exchanges wanted
Yes, http://www.nightstation.com needs pr4+ trades (hardlinks).
Anyone up for this? This site has pr4 itself.

jack (at) nightstation (dot) com

monaro 04-05-2004 08:46 AM

Re: pr4+ hard link exchanges wanted

Originally posted by wheeee
Yes, http://www.nightstation.com needs pr4+ trades (hardlinks).
Anyone up for this? This site has pr4 itself.

jack (at) nightstation (dot) com

For starters, I reviewed a few people who are on there in your list of sites, and was completly turned away after one site loads a nasty active x script into the workings of my ie.com file and all i say is not in my life time pal!

cost me 10 minutes to remove that shit!

monaro 04-05-2004 08:52 AM

Re: Re: pr4+ hard link exchanges wanted

Originally posted by monaro
For starters, I reviewed a few people who are on there in your list of sites, and was completly turned away after one site loads a nasty active x script into the workings of my ie.com file and all i say is not in my life time pal!

cost me 10 minutes to remove that shit!

http://1search.biz/search.cgi?acc=1001;q=Online Casinos

who ever this account belongs to is being closed down!

monaro 04-05-2004 08:58 AM

Re: pr4+ hard link exchanges wanted

Originally posted by wheeee
Yes, http://www.nightstation.com needs pr4+ trades (hardlinks).
Anyone up for this? This site has pr4 itself.

jack (at) nightstation (dot) com

Dam dude, do you have any idea what just got installed onto my bookmarks? That young kiddy shit is being reported to the fbi!

Yes, it might not be your site, but someone on your webmaster database is into some really sick shit.

wheeee 04-05-2004 04:08 PM

OMG! Is this correct? Damn.. I always check my trades. I dont see anyone wrong, I checked them once more.
Any idea which one it was?

When I find out, they are going down in an instant.

Thank you for this information!

monaro 04-06-2004 03:10 AM


Originally posted by wheeee
OMG! Is this correct? Damn.. I always check my trades. I dont see anyone wrong, I checked them once more.
Any idea which one it was?

When I find out, they are going down in an instant.

Thank you for this information!

i will inform you in private after i hear back from the email i sent to the fbi yesterday.. it was shocking, my pc at home is being reformatted again when i get home and i am here at work, under no chance i could be wrong about this.. dam i was shocked and not many things piss me off as much as this did..

wheeee 04-06-2004 05:54 AM

I wanna know the which trade is promoting this.
Let me know asap when someone finds out.
I figure the trade does not show the content, when it's my IP, country, or domain as referer, because I went through all trades ONCE MORE and didnt find anything wrong with any of my tradepartners.

I only need the domain to shut this Bozo down. :jail:

Thanks for your help!

stardusthevn 04-17-2004 06:01 AM

I Feel Your Pain!
I had a free host once that was downloading dialers and crap.

To them, I say

"Sic Semper Tyrannis...!"

er... or something

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