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-   -   Gallerycash tgpupdater, now with both thumb previews and descriptions (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=7206)

Thor 04-04-2004 05:29 PM

Gallerycash tgpupdater, now with both thumb previews and descriptions
http://www.gallerycash.net/ has it all.

Daily gallery listings with descriptions, updated automaticlly (example here http://www.sex-eden.com/)
or you can use our thumb version, all new :) also updating daily with up to 50 thumb previews (example here http://pornserie.com/ )
In both cases you can choose between a small footer on the galleries or a split were you get 80% of the sign ups.

**over 18000 galleries in our database**
**galleries spidered every 4 hour for 404 and other errors**
**dont like the sponsor, just dont fill in the code and the sponsor will be left out of your gallery listing**
**100 % custom layout, you decide everything**

check it out now ;) it is the best

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