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Sigurd 04-07-2004 05:09 AM

Adult International Community
Adult International Community is your guide in adult business world. We tried to collect all best resources in one place, because every day we saw lots of questions about sponsors, content providers, hosting etc. on adult biz boards. There is a huge number of resources now and it's hard to choose the best, so we made a useful search system, daily database updates, latest news about most important resources for you on our website.
We invite all sponsors and content providers to add links to our directory!!! You'll get a FREE advertising on all webmaster boards all over the Adult world!
ADULT INTERnational COMmunity was founded as a huge adult webmaster portal. All webmasters visiting our website are looking for different resources: sponsors, content, hosting etc. So your advertising would be targeted to your future customers and partners.
If you are interested in advertising in our community, we'll tell you about our advantages:
- Our resource is daily advertised in all adult webmasters boards.
- Our community attendance grows every day.
- Our traffic is targeted to your resources.
- We have developed a special system, which determines the full load of your banner. If webmaster hasn't seen your banner (may be he's closed window too early or banner was cut out by any software), than this exposure won't be counted at all. So you can be sure, that your banner won't be shown more rarely than others!
- We guarantee that after clicking on your banner, webmaster wouldn't see your banner during this visit anymore. This system allows to exclude blank exposures.
- We also guarantee that in case, if our unique visitor doesn't click on your banner after 10 exposures, we won't show it to this visitor anymore during this visit. (So we'll better show your banner to other visitors, who'll be interested in your resource).

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