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Bratt 04-15-2004 11:53 AM

I am in Desperate Need of...
I am in Desperate Need of...

Somebody who can invent a stove that connects to your computer. It must have flags that pop up and say things like:

Add More Water To Your Pan - Your Pan Is Ready To Boil Over. Do you want this? Click on Yes or No

Your Pork Chops Are Burning. Do you want this? Click on Yes or No

Do You Intend To Turn The Burner On Or Just Let Water Sit On It? Click on Yes or No

It Is Now Time To Add The (seasoning, mix, etc) To The (Whatever you're cooking) - Do you want this? Click on Yes or No

Please Stir The Pudding - Do you want this? Click on Yes or No

Caution! Caution! Your Kitchen Curtains Are On Fire! Do You Want This? Please Click On Yes Or No, etc.
My computer and my stove don't seem to interact for some reason. I think to myself, "Surely the Rice-A-Roni won't burn until I finish just this one email" and guess what. By the time I finish emailing and get out to the stove, it's already turned brown and is sticking to the non-stick skillet.

If you're an inventor, please help me!

twinkley 04-15-2004 02:32 PM


that would be the SHIT! A little robotic arm comes out of the stove when you select yes and flips the meat ... or stirs the rice-a-roni (the san fransisco treat!) ...

Man, i wish ... I would pay good money for this!


blazi 04-15-2004 02:39 PM

that would be great!! I'd get sooo fat hehe

gnat69 04-15-2004 04:36 PM

That would be really cool for a while, but would you not miss the joy of having you dinner burn, having to throw it out, then your mate takes you out for dinner......

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