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Magnus3x 04-16-2004 12:19 AM

What a great night for HOCKEY!!
EC's Habs.. went to work and saved thier asses.

My Redwings kicked ass and took no prisoners!

Vancouver is down 1 zip currently.

webgurl 04-16-2004 01:38 AM

canucks is not going to last long in the playoffs ..... nope :rolleyes:

Mefo 04-16-2004 10:16 AM

hockey is a cool game, to bad they don't broadcast that over here :rolleyes:

AdultLegal-Jim 04-16-2004 10:18 AM

"EC's Habs.. went to work and saved thier asses."

WHat a horrible game for us Boston fans who were there

but at least we cheered the Candian anthem :-)

we also gave Kovalev a standing ovation when he was introduced to thank him for his acting skills in game 4

twinkley 04-16-2004 01:29 PM


Arent they ditching that sport cause the players make more money than is being brought in by ticket sales??

**twinkley ducks**


Evil Chris 04-16-2004 01:51 PM

I am amazed that the Habs played as well as they did last night. It was like watching a different team altogether.
Good Chris and I went to games 3 and 4 in Montreal, and it just looked as though they had fallen apart. I'm thinking maybe Bob Gainey gave them "the talk" before the game yesterday.

I can only hope the Leafs can win it tonight and go up 3-2. They looked horrible in Ottawa in game 4.

Magnus3x 04-16-2004 02:03 PM


Arent they ditching that sport cause the players make more money than is being brought in by ticket sales??
Yeah and strikes wont do them any favors. It will never die though.. NEVER!


but at least we cheered the Candian anthem
Yeah it makes me sick when shit like that happens at games and I dont care what Country it is.
When I was in high school in Quebec I went to an english school and our Football team would often play French schools. Before we started the final game of the season some kids were actually burning Canadian flags and raising the Quebec flag. I could'nt believe it!!

AdultLegal-Jim 04-16-2004 02:18 PM

I'm glad we didn't boo, Bostons not known for having the classiest fans around

there were a few people who did but not a lot at all and they were quickly drowned out

Habs played ok, Bruins still had 44 - 45 shots, Theodore first game he didn't let in any soft goals and Raycrofts first game where he did

and someones got totell them pussies to stop diving

I swear the only guy who actls like a hockey player is Sheldon Souray, all the others are flopping like fish when they get touched, I was hoping when it got to 5 - 1 someone would take ribeiros head off :-)

Magnus3x 04-16-2004 02:39 PM


and someones got totell them pussies to stop diving
I have'nt seen this many dives since the last summer Olympics...grasping at straws!!

Evil Chris 04-16-2004 02:44 PM

Jim, this is turning into more of an interesting series than I thought.
The Habs actually showed up last night.
Everyone knows I'm a Leafs fan 1st, Habs fan 2nd. :)

Here's hoping the Leafs win tonight. I dunno what the status of Joe and Mats are though.

Hey Mag... the Wings players I picked in my pool are doing shit for me! :p

AdultLegal-Jim 04-16-2004 02:50 PM

yeah its been a good series

actually I would say since game 1, the Habs have outplayed Boston

GOd that pains me to say it!

oh yeah

Post #100 too :-)

GoodChris 04-16-2004 03:22 PM

Habs really should be up 3-2 right now, but regardless - I think its going to be a really interesting finale to this round one way or another...

And hats off to Bruins fans for cheering the Canadian anthem - what happened in Montreal on sunday was totally unclassy and Evil chris and I were at the game and were REALLY disgusted by it... Just so you know, most Canadians don't do crap like that, its a select few asswipes only.


AdultLegal-Jim 04-16-2004 03:27 PM

well just in case

any specific jersey you want? :D

I know its not like that, I've played in some hockey tournament in Montreal and every time I go up there I have an awesome time

gnat69 04-16-2004 03:57 PM


GoodChris 04-16-2004 04:31 PM


Originally posted by AdultLegal-Jim
well just in case

any specific jersey you want? :D

I know its not like that, I've played in some hockey tournament in Montreal and every time I go up there I have an awesome time

Lol, Jim, if the bruins take the series then I will pose in your jersey (ouch that was hard to write).

Diva 04-16-2004 05:24 PM


AdultLegal-Jim 04-16-2004 07:42 PM


Originally posted by GoodChris
Lol, Jim, if the bruins take the series then I will pose in your jersey (ouch that was hard to write).
as long as you don't wash your car in it :p

Kenny B 04-16-2004 10:57 PM

I’m more of a Sens fan but Toronto played a great game with no Sundin and deserved this win! Domi’s goal, how much did that suck for Smolinski. Great night of hockey, did any of you see Tampa Bay takes the series with one sweet OT goal?

Magnus3x 04-17-2004 02:54 AM

Yeah TO pulled it off.. it was a safe game for the first two periods. Now let's see if Vancouver is on it's way to enjoying the fine west coast weather and golf courses.

[tuka] 04-17-2004 04:52 AM

If the Bruins win their serie, won't be because of Thornton for sure. Not only he havent done anything good yet but he wasnt smart enough to suck it up for the team. They still had time to even game #5, but Genius Joe decided it was better to punch someone and take a penalty... way to go CAPTAIN!

As far as diving, well I havent seen the Ribeiro act so I can't judge, but I did notice he notched two the game after. (might be another reason to hate him even more ??)

Kovalev ? yeah maybe he could have try something, but on the other hand, without is 4 goals and the slick moves he made in the last few games, Boston would be waiting for their next opponent already.

dyonisus 04-17-2004 12:29 PM

Yeah that "Smolinski" goal was a little funny, I am glad that Nyweinbdyk got the 2nd to legitimize the win. First 2 periods were too safe, only what 3 penalities the whole game.. Belfour is definitely the STAR for the Leafs in this series.

I think the series will go the full 7..

Magnus3x 04-17-2004 01:56 PM


Belfour is definitely the STAR for the Leafs in this series.
I agree.. I remember when Toronto was crying like little bitches when the leafs ditched Cujo and aquired Belfour.

Kenny B 04-17-2004 03:03 PM


Originally posted by [tuka]
They still had time to even game #5, but Genius Joe decided it was better to punch someone and take a penalty... way to go CAPTAIN! ...
As far as diving, well I havent seen the Ribeiro act so I can't judge

I don't think we'll see any stupid penalties tonight from either side, they won't take the chances... also the refs will let almost anything slide tonight except for blatant stupidity.

As for the dive, that was an embarrassment, but not as bad as skating into another one of your players and costing the team the game!

AdultLegal-Jim 04-17-2004 10:46 PM


a game 7, Bruins were up 3 - 1, wrap that shit up!!!

Kenny B 04-18-2004 12:43 AM

Talk about some great Hockey! Habs kicked ass tonight, I don't think we've ever come back from 3-1 series!

The Calgary- Vancouver game is un-real, Vancouver was up 4-0 in the second and Calgary tied the game! Well I'm off to watch OT and hopefully Calgary will take the series tonight!

[tuka] 04-18-2004 04:43 AM


Originally posted by Kenny B
The Calgary- Vancouver game is un-real, Vancouver was up 4-0 in the second and Calgary tied the game! Well I'm off to watch OT and hopefully Calgary will take the series tonight!
AWESOME goal by Morrisson to tie the serie 3-3

Kenny B 04-18-2004 10:15 AM


Originally posted by [tuka]
AWESOME goal by Morrisson to tie the serie 3-3
I missed it, after the second OT I fell asleep LOL

XxXotic 04-18-2004 10:55 AM

damn that calgary/vancouver game was a good one. I'm happy philly whooped jersey's ass in 5 though :)

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