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Website Traffic
icq: #119001425 Check out our website for prices on great adult traffic. All Traffic Packages Include: Real Visitors Direct to Your Website Realtime Reporting Unlimited Targeting Full Online Support(Email and ICQ) Quick Activation of Your URL Money-Back Guarantee ***If we fail to deliver the traffic we promise, and in the amounts you specified with your order, or in the time we say that it will be delivered, you will be refunded 100%. No questions asked! ***** Quote from customer ***** "From my initial purchase of 5,000 visitors I would have been happy converting at 1/1000 I actually converted at 1/600. One day I converted at 1/80!" ***** www.e-webtraffic.com icq: #119001425 |
Spammer. You're not a producer, you're a reseller.
ANYONE COULD BUY THE SAME TRAFFIC YOU RESELL AND BYPASS YOU TO GET IT CHEAPER ! (If it was worth buying..) ---------- And THIS is who you're reselling for you flake. http://www.yourstats.net/ Not? Show me your login source code. http://www.e-webtraffic.com/order.htm Mouseover the : It cost nothing to create an account. You will be able to look at your statistics page where you can can control your campaigns. For adult traffic please contact us. Click here now! Flake :-) ------- To hide www.yourstats.net URL when your clients check the stats: Right Click Mouse, and save as the following login.htm to your computer login.htm -Open it with any text editor -replace the '' with the 'www.yourstats.net' -save it -Upload it to your site Your own stat page: http:///login.htm -------- Your reseller username is: http://www.yourstats.net/resnewuser.php?adsid=davmon Still wanna play ? Your username and password have been sent to davmonge@yahoo.com. It should arrive within a few minutes. LOL |
Last year I was so close in buying traffic from them also had you on my cards.
With your TGP traffic (Adult Site Traffic), can you show where this traffic will come from please? |
Interesting anyone interested check out this thread on another board. It is evident that this guy is following me arround wasting his time and mine. This is the last time I post regarding to this person.
Competition will do anything it seems. http://www.ratedhot.com/boards/show...=&threadid=5059 |
Forget that question (Adult Site Traffic) |
A word to Adult Traffic if you continue to post this message on every board i chat on I will sue you for slander. I have enough evidence as it is. My lawyer agrees it will be easy to win.
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