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Raziel 04-20-2004 04:32 AM

i need a really reliable hosting company
Hi there, i'm looking for good hosting companies with a large bandwith capacity.. Thanx for ur replies!!

Chris001 04-20-2004 05:43 AM

Hey Buddy

TheXXXHost is the host for you! Check us out and hit me up on icq with any questions you may have.


MMemmer 04-20-2004 09:41 AM

Hello Raziel,

I would certainly like the opportunity to discuss what Candid Hosting.com could offer you! We are familiar with handling high performance accounts and there special requirements.

I have sent you a message via ICQ, so just hit me up when you have a minute and lets discuss your particular specifications and the various solutions you could implement here with Candid Hosting.com !

Thanks in advance and good luck with your search.

M. Memmer, 813-221-4429 x320
ICQ# 40467849, AIM MMemmer333

TDawg 04-20-2004 09:44 AM

I use these guys: CybeHost :D

123Jason 04-20-2004 03:41 PM

Throwing our hat into the ring...


We've had a lot of clients proclaiming their satisfaction for us in threads like this...check us out and let me know what you think.

We never have and never will require a length of term contract...so if you don't like us, you're free to move on...but we don't think you'll take that option ;)


you can contact brad mitchell icq: 56950199
or me icq 233969317

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