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Funbrunette 04-28-2004 03:41 PM

Spring cleaning!
Has anyone started? I usually start with my computer...lol All those ICQ contacts of people I have no idea who they are! :bonk:

I always feel like making a new start in spring! :D So about I trash everything and buy new things so I don't have to clean! :xthumbs:

pornJester 04-28-2004 04:10 PM

I'd like to trash some of these clothes I have piled up. I think I have more clothing than the average girl for sure. :D

Evil Chris 04-28-2004 04:15 PM

I did that recently. I must have taken 80 tee shirts to the recycling bin. And that's not including the porn tee shirts that went into the garbage. LOL

pornJester 04-28-2004 04:19 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I did that recently. I must have taken 80 tee shirts to the recycling bin. And that's not including the porn tee shirts that went into the garbage. LOL
I gave a bunch of porn shirts away to friends. Alot of my friends are still in college and love that kinda stuff :)

sweet7 04-28-2004 07:09 PM

you guys are throwing away porn shirts and here I am waiting for them to come in! Other than that my spring cleaning is done :D

Ounique 04-28-2004 07:49 PM

OMG, my place is a mess. Spring cleaning is going to make way for summer bulldozing, I'm afraid.

Cold_ice 04-28-2004 09:24 PM

Any electronics you guys don't want send them my way. Spring cleaning is cool, I don't mind it at all:D

Gruntled 04-29-2004 12:21 AM

You guys have the right idea. Pitch it, give it away, or yardsale everything, and buy new.

I recently moved into a place with much more space and was finally able to stop paying for storage. We threw away 60% of the stuff we had been paying to store. There are a few more boxes of stuff that I need to go through, but have no idea why I've kept it around.

Visualad 04-29-2004 03:46 AM


Feynman 04-30-2004 12:41 AM

Re: Spring cleaning!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Has anyone started? I usually start with my computer...lol All those ICQ contacts of people I have no idea who they are! :bonk:

My idea of a good spring cleaning:
Rent an dumpster, open all of the house's windows and with a big snowblower, blow everything out of the house into the dumpster.

Alternate methods: 1- set the place on fire 2- do a house sale and never refuse any offer on any object (post a big sign: everything almost free) 3- sublet the place "as is" and start anew in another appartment.:bonk:

SexyScribe 04-30-2004 11:33 AM

Re: Re: Spring cleaning!

Originally posted by Feynman
My idea of a good spring cleaning:
Rent an dumpster, open all of the house's windows and with a big snowblower, blow everything out of the house into the dumpster.

Alternate methods: 1- set the place on fire 2- do a house sale and never refuse any offer on any object (post a big sign: everything almost free) 3- sublet the place "as is" and start anew in another appartment.:bonk:

OMG that's hilarious!! :D I can just see the snowblower now...

As for my spring cleaning...I've been considering option 3 myself lately.. hehehe

Panky 04-30-2004 12:56 PM

I'm already done with my spring cleaning since February when I moved. :D

GOD 05-01-2004 09:41 PM

I do my spring cleaning in phases

Right now I'm working on Iraq


Easton 05-02-2004 12:17 AM


Originally posted by pornJester
I gave a bunch of porn shirts away to friends. Alot of my friends are still in college and love that kinda stuff :)
hahaha... i did the same thing too!

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