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StuartD 04-30-2004 04:21 AM

Do you know how difficult it is having to see this everyday?
It's a rough life, but I cope... somehow... I struggle through it until I'm able to get back to work.


Visualad 04-30-2004 05:47 AM

Really nice man.. :)

Panky 04-30-2004 01:25 PM

You really get on my nerves some days Stuart! LOL! :p

Seriously though... Very beautiful!

StuartD 04-30-2004 02:30 PM


Originally posted by Panky
You really get on my nerves some days Stuart! LOL! :p

Seriously though... Very beautiful!

I couldn't help it. I take pics almost every night, weather permitting.. but that one I really like, with the bird coming into the shot.

Perhaps one day I'll get tired of taking pics of that..... perhaps not :D

Evil Chris 04-30-2004 02:36 PM

I know what you mean Stuart.

We have Piegeons around here too. They are annoying! :D

*edit: but WHOA, not those huge boat sized piegeons you seem to have. (or are the boats really small?)

PurrsianPussyKat 04-30-2004 03:02 PM

If your life is this difficult Stuart, I can't imagine how horrible life must be for your kitty!

StuartD 04-30-2004 03:19 PM


Originally posted by PurrsianPussyKat
If your life is this difficult Stuart, I can't imagine how horrible life must be for your kitty!
It takes a lot out of him... poor guy.


Chris, the boats were kinda far away.... as for the seagull, he was close enough that I could hear him yelling "MINE!! MINE!! MINE!" :D

PurrsianPussyKat 04-30-2004 03:28 PM


I had a kitty similar to yours when I was a kid.
He was a stray that we started feeding and keeping in the garage until I had enough time to wear my parents down and get him in the house.
He just died about a year and a half ago. Lasted close to 18 yrs with us.
His favorite place to sleep towards the end was on top of the nice warm cable box on the tv.

cool1 04-30-2004 05:33 PM

Ther you go making me jealous agian.

they are excellent pics :cool:

GOD 05-01-2004 09:45 PM

Re: Do you know how difficult it is having to see this everyday?

Originally posted by StuartD
It's a rough life, but I cope... somehow... I struggle through it until I'm able to get back to work.

I hate to see you struggle Stuart

I'll send that somewhere else so you don't have to struggle any longer.


ocho-ocho 05-03-2004 08:24 AM


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