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DatingGold 04-30-2004 04:52 PM

DatingGold.com $69 Tuesdays, $69 Tuesdays, $69 Tuesdays
It's that time again!

DatingGold.com is offering webmasters a HUGE PAYOUT of $69 per signup EVERY Tuesday in May!

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Already an affiliate? Then kick up your traffic and your next bimonthly check will be even BIGGER!

Don't forget you can promote the program anyway you want. Use banners, hosted galleries, opt-in emails, exit consoles, text links, or hand out flyers :-)

Don't waste your traffic! DatingGold is well known, highly trusted, and supported by thousands of webmasters. We're in this for the long-term so come work with us and let us show you Gold!


ICQ: 239088209 or 27442303
Email: affiliates@datinggold.com

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