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Don Soporno 05-04-2004 06:07 PM

Im not raciest
but fuck my Iranian ass mother fucking nutsack landlord. We got the new house and had an agreement with the old landlord that we were breaking the lease. We had everyhting set up to pay everyhting for the new house but it was reliant on paying this months rent for this house in 2 weeks instead of this week....FUCKERS

Evil Chris 05-05-2004 11:18 AM

What does the rental agreement say? Or the laws pertaining to this kind of thing?

Cold_ice 05-05-2004 04:58 PM

Re: Im not raciest

Originally posted by Don Soporno
but fuck my Iranian
Hmm your not racist yet you start your post with Iranian, why not leave race out of it? Maybe start off by calling a cum guzzling stupid moron, or something like that. :)

Don Soporno 05-05-2004 11:01 PM

Re: Re: Im not raciest

Originally posted by Cold_ice
Hmm your not racist yet you start your post with Iranian, why not leave race out of it? Maybe start off by calling a cum guzzling stupid moron, or something like that. :)
actually if you knew me you would know Im not the least bit raciest. I HATE EVERYONE with the same ammount of passion, although I do hate white people more than anyone, dont they call that reverse racism?? Any type of prejudice for me would be a waste of fucking time. Who has enouhg free time to seperate everyone into different races? If you breath and can talk I pretty much hate you...LOL.. No racism there.. If you just feeling left out Im sure I can throw somehting your way...;-)

Don Soporno 05-05-2004 11:07 PM

Re: Re: Im not raciest

Originally posted by Cold_ice
Hmm your not racist yet you start your post with Iranian, why not leave race out of it? Maybe start off by calling a cum guzzling stupid moron, or something like that. :)

seriously man, if your gonna quote me quote my whole fucking sentance instead of the part that will benifit you. Jesus christ dude, he IS Iranian, if he were black I would have said Black, if he were white I would have said Cracker ass cracker. I thought actually using the word iranian was much better than calling him a Camel Jockey or sand Nigger dont you??

It says that we have to pay a late fee if its mor ethan 5 days late, nothing about going to court so I told him fine if thats where you wanna go with this call your laywer now and for some strange reason his attitude changed real fucking quick. Lawsuit threats are so fucking empty, I called his bluff and he backed off just like I figured. When your house isnt up to code regulations a court room is the last place you wanna be...LOLOLOL..especially when your not even in the country legally

Cold_ice 05-06-2004 12:22 AM

Its all good here bro, I just found it funny that you say you are not racist, but you start your post mentioning his race. I'm pretty much the same I hate all males the same, but females are all good in my book:D

Izzy 05-08-2004 11:01 PM

Fuckers!! LMAO sorry I just like that word.

pxxx 05-08-2004 11:11 PM


Originally posted by Izzy
Fuckers!! LMAO sorry I just like that word.

Don Soporno 05-09-2004 02:17 AM


Originally posted by Izzy
Fuckers!! LMAO sorry I just like that word.

fuckin A right dude...lol

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