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FrankieP 05-05-2004 04:56 PM

Custom XGames Release
XGames Custom released by Xamo Entertainment, Mar 5, 2004

Brandon, MB, Canada-Xamo Entertainment, the innovator in adult video game products is proud to announce the launch of it’s newest content product - the XGames Custom Package.

Ten of our most popular games have been redesigned to accommodate a fully customizable game look that will suit anyone’s individual site. Asstroids, AssBlasters, Anal Invaders, Bloxxx, BustaNut, Cockgobblers, Jizzball, Pornmixer, SexArkanoid and Sextris are all included in this new package.

You can now customize this new product to feature the images of your choice, insert your own images or text into the game downloading screen, and show only YOUR members high scores on the High Scores page.

This new package gives every site the opportunity to incorporate video games into their site by having their members only view pictures of the site they’re currently on OR cross-promoting other paysites. You can keep your members abreast of news and upcoming products with the downloader, and by offering your members prizes for high scores achieved on your sites, you can increase your members stay from under 15 minutes to close to an hour.

For a complete demo of our customizable games with YOUR images in them, contact the Xamo sales department at 1-800-544-9266. You can also contact the individual reps directly-Ron at ron@xamo.com icq #-272000271 or FrankieP at frankiep@xamo.com icq #-290249980

Product Advisor Sales
ICQ: 290249980

Ron Stewart
Head of Sales and Marketing

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