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-   -   Sexkey is back up to top speed. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=7686)

sexkeydwayne 05-11-2004 05:38 PM

Sexkey is back up to top speed.
Hi Everyone,
Not sure you were even aware, but for the last few weeks a group has been
targeting large sites, with Denial of Service attacks. These DDoS attacks
take the site down by flooding it with so much traffic, surfers can't get
in. At it's peak, they were sending close to 100 megs of traffic per second,
for hours and even days.

Several sites with different owners were hit hard, including Sexkey.com and

Alot of sites that are down now are due to the attacks. We wanted to make
you aware of the situation, and to let you know that we are proud to say we
are back up and running and with the great effort of our techs, we are going
to stay up permanently. They have worked on a solution for these attacks and
we feel confident that they cannot happen again.

While we do not know who is behind the attacks, or their motivation, we have
to assume that it is an industry issue. We were never contacted, so it
wasn't money, nor would we pay if it was.

So I would like to thank the webmasters that hung tough with us through
these last two weeks, and to let them know we will be coming up with ways to
make up the lost revenues for everyone. I will post here tomorrow a few of

Should anyone have any questions, or need any information, you can reach me
at Dwayne@sexkey.com, sxkey_dwayne on Yahoo, or icq 175991098.





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