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How many times do you visit xnations? (here)
I come here atleast once a day or i try anyways :cool:
about 2 to 3 times a week, but this is only because of my bad connection I have at the moment :)
At least twice a day, I wish it wasnt so dead. Its a really good board just not very busy.
every day, and post everytime I saw a thread that interest me :)
everyday but i don't post too much
Usually 2-4 times a day, sometimes more if there is a particular thread I am following. I don't always post on every visit, but I do read. :)
Evereyday, and I just moved here! ;-)
I usually check Xnations Daily.
sooo many boards to hit and so lil time!! I use board tracker and browse the decent threads..:D :bonk:
About half of every week, I hit this board at least 5 or 6 times. The rest of the week, I don't get to check.
I follow all of the threads, though. I like it here much more than other boards. It will continue to grow and become more active as we create more good discussion for the adult community. |
About once a day...as long as I am not bombarded with exams...;)
Today already twice, so I am getting better :)
1nce a day, no less and sometimes more!!
I visit quite often. :cool:
I go in streaks with boards. I'll be a regular at three or four boards and then switch them up a little every few months. I generally post where the interesting topics are, and not just to whore. ;) |
I try to pop in every day but I don't post every day ... so many boards so little time!
G'day everybody, I use to read everyones post and search all the history for information i need at the time, I have made some plans many thanks to the lovely people here at Xnations who has inspired myself to achieve my goals.
Im at xnations still sometimes not logged in so i can continue to read up on the past posts using the search tool. To answer your question webgurl, I continue to attend xnations sometimes daily, you just might not know that I am logged on. =) Have a great day! |
I'm here quite a bit. I've become quite fond of the place. :D
It's cool to read the replies to this thread. The comments are very much appreciated! |
once a day...so it means 6 time s a week!
I used to come here sooo much but lately in the past few months I only come 2 or 3 times a month at the most. I have soo much I am doin, and school is gettin in the way of my time as well but i gotta do it. i have work as well that i am starting soon but i wanna work the bar but i have to be emancipated and i dont know how much that is gonna cost and i dont know how to go about it either. but this is the only board that i really ever care about coming to and i feel shitty cuz i hardly come thru here and catch up with everybody *sighs* well i gotta go study the fine art of bartending lol see ya laters.
I pop in a couple of times a day to read the board.
I haven't been posting much though. I know I am a Bad Boy |
generally once a week, if things are slow, perhaps every 2 or three days...
I find for myself if I spend too much time reading boards and posting it inevitably takes away from time I could be working. Already there is not enough hours to get all the things on my lists done, more boards = more time away from those projects Most boards dont move so fast that you cannot catch up in a week! |
2 or 3 times a week, when I'm not waaay to busy as usual :p
Since Evil Chris showed me the board. I'm here daily... being a board whore of the 1st generation... I love the information I'm able to find here and the feedback :)
A few times a week myself.
usually daily...don't post quite as often as i should though...we'll have to work on that
I check out XNations at least once a week. I don't post as often, unless I'm on a mad posting spree (like now).
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