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TeamCali 05-13-2004 01:14 PM

Rate My Model - Please
I have a big favor that I would like to ask of you all. We are thinking about starting a single girl site with the below model.

The site is www.latinpocahontas.com

Please take a look these galleries of her and tell me what you think. Just take a minute or so to look at here pictures. There is a simple 4 question form to complete.

The link for the galleries are:

Thanks alot. I am looking forward to your critics


TeamCali 05-13-2004 02:06 PM

Thanks For All
Every body wanted more photos so here are some.




sweet7 05-13-2004 02:17 PM

DAMN I love latin girls ! She's hot!

kaustic 05-13-2004 04:40 PM


Sheesh... I mean, can't you ask for simple favors... I mean, come on, who really wants to stare at this gorgeous latina and nitpick and critique the shots and what not.... Juss kiddin!@ Dude.... ¿me puedes decir de donde es? La pocahantes latina esa de las fotos.

I think shes damn fine.... I'll fill out your survey when im done lookin at these galleries ;-)

Thanks buddy

TeamCali 05-13-2004 04:58 PM


Originally posted by kaustic

Sheesh... I mean, can't you ask for simple favors... I mean, come on, who really wants to stare at this gorgeous latina and nitpick and critique the shots and what not.... Juss kiddin!@ Dude.... ¿me puedes decir de donde es? La pocahantes latina esa de las fotos.

I think shes damn fine.... I'll fill out your survey when im done lookin at these galleries ;-)

Thanks buddy

Ella es de Cali, Acutalamente es me vicinca. Elle tiene 20 anos y no aye novio. :D Estoy en eso ahora. Es dulce par decir.

Chao De Cali.

For those hethens out there She is hot and sweet. Is my neighbor and does not have bf. I am working on ti.

Latter from Cali.

kaustic 05-13-2004 05:13 PM

ñoooo! Te lo comistes, encontrandote una vecina asi de Cali... no joda chico!! ;-) Bueno pues... la debes traer a un trade show o webmasters party o algo...

Good job buddy. Si paso por colombia, te doy un timbrasso para que me puedes enseñar el setup ;-)

ciao pues hombre

nanda 05-13-2004 10:15 PM

Soy Caleña tambien.....:D

jscott 05-13-2004 10:55 PM

very hot man :love:

Cold_ice 05-13-2004 11:29 PM

She is no FB but she is pretty hot none the less:cool:

Manny Z 05-14-2004 01:01 AM


Manny Z::-|

ocho-ocho 05-14-2004 05:29 AM

nice ass and skintone...but not that pretty good looking
much better if she won't smile!

TeamCali 05-14-2004 09:16 AM


Originally posted by nanda
Soy Caleña tambien.....:D
Verdad. De cual barrio? Pues este bien Y chao.

Drop me an ICQ Y Photo :D

Nano 05-14-2004 09:29 AM

I see some nice bodies there!

Raziel 05-14-2004 10:15 AM

really nice ,she looks great but where are the nude pics ?

nanda 05-14-2004 01:27 PM


Originally posted by Manny Z

Manny Z::-|

Me trajeron muy a los E.E.U.U. cuando estaba chiquitita. Asi que tengo familia pero en todas parte de Cali.

Non Spanish speakers He asked me where I am from in Cali, told him I was brought to the states at a very young age. ;)

booty 05-14-2004 06:34 PM


Originally posted by ocho-ocho
nice ass and skintone...but not that pretty good looking
much better if she won't smile!

Not pretty face at all....:(

Cold_ice 05-14-2004 08:29 PM


Originally posted by nanda
Me trajeron muy a los E.E.U.U. cuando estaba chiquitita. Asi que tengo familia pero en todas parte de Cali.

Non Spanish speakers He asked me where I am from in Cali, told him I was brought to the states at a very young age. ;)

He also asked for some pics. Where are those?:confused:

nanda 05-15-2004 01:53 AM


Originally posted by Cold_ice
He also asked for some pics. Where are those?:confused:
:huh: ;)

Cold_ice 05-15-2004 02:09 AM


Originally posted by nanda
:huh: ;)

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 05-15-2004 05:03 AM

She's hot ... no doubt about it ... but if she is SERIOUS about making money she should buy a nice 36 full C or small D rack ... nothing outrageous or extreme .... maybe 450cc max

Her body is too long and lean (not a bad thing ...)
"enhancing" her curves would make her ALOT of $$$

she is VERY photogenic and pretty .... whoever said she does not have a nice face must be on crack ... LOL :bonk:

TeamCali 05-15-2004 09:02 AM


Originally posted by Cold_ice
He also asked for some pics. Where are those?:confused:
You want more pics go to http://www.latinpocahontas.com/test_photos/ there you will find about 600.

Have fun !

pxxx 05-15-2004 09:35 AM

She is hot man!

nanda 05-15-2004 02:12 PM


Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
She's hot ... no doubt about it ... but if she is SERIOUS about making money she should buy a nice 36 full C or small D rack ... nothing outrageous or extreme .... maybe 450cc max

Her body is too long and lean (not a bad thing ...)
"enhancing" her curves would make her ALOT of $$$

she is VERY photogenic and pretty .... whoever said she does not have a nice face must be on crack ... LOL :bonk:

I totally disagree with this! She is fine the way she is, and not everyone is a tit lover, she's fine the way she is.

Asi que ignore lo que digan la gente, cada uno tiene su propio gusto. La verda es que no todo el mundo le gusta cenos falsos!:rolleyes:

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 05-16-2004 11:25 AM

I agree with you Nanda .... I was not even speaking of personal preference .... I was referring to what would be better selling ..

You see I love tits of all shapes and sizes, and while my preference is non-silicone, I am not "grossed out" by implants, unless they are unproportionate to the person wearing them.

I personally agree she is fuggn HOT (as my comment indicated), but being in the industry for as many years as I have, I also know that increasing her cup size by 2 or 3 at the most is going to make alot more money.

My comments were purely based on economics, and not personal preference. if I was looking for a play toy, I'd leave her just the way she is !!! :p

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