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Ozzy 05-17-2004 02:13 PM

Gammacash Hosted Galleries Issue
We are now sending emails when new hosted galleries are added into our system. If you do not wish to receive the emails, you can either click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email or go to edit profile in the stats area.

We send the list of new URLs with the dates they were added into our system separated by a comma as a default setting. Anyone with different settings, in the DISPLAY FORMAT option inside our new hosted galleries system, will receive the listing in the format they last selected.

The new system has been prepared and modified in order to better suit the needs of TGP and MGP owners. By using such a system, they can now easily gather a list of galleries better than before and import them without any difficulty.

I understand that adding the release date at the end of the line has been leading to confusion. Since the date has nothing to do with the URL itself, make sure you do not include it when you are posting it. For your information, a URL with a comma is not HTML compatible. In the mean time, we are sorry for the confusion and we are currently changing the way the information is displayed.

I'm inviting you and all the other webmasters that have posted URLs that are not HTML compatible to modify their link by removing the comma and the date.

If you have any further questions, you can always contact me. All my IM info is in my profile.

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