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Evil Chris 05-18-2004 09:46 AM

Did anyone miss us?
FB and I returned yesterday from a wonderful weekend in Mt Tremblant which is about 1.5 hours north of Montreal.

The weather cooperated with us for the most part and we spent some time by the pool and hottub as well as some time in the spa. I even got out for a round of golf!

Visualad 05-18-2004 09:51 AM

Its been a while since you posted bro.. Welcome Back! :xthumbs:

Evil Chris 05-18-2004 09:54 AM

Thanks Visualad! We had a nice time but we're happy to be back home. It was nice to see the little guy yesterday. We missed him.

Now I have to attack 5 days worth of email! :bonk:

Visualad 05-18-2004 10:22 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris

Now I have to attack 5 days worth of email! :bonk:

Thats the price you have to pay for having fun!! :nyanya:

Magnus3x 05-18-2004 10:47 AM

Yeah I thought you two packed up and left Xnations!!

I love Mont.T I lived there for a ski season way back when it was just a hill and one hotel ..now it looks like little whistler.

If you stay on the 110 past Tremblant my family cottage is about 45 mins away.

Evil Chris 05-18-2004 10:51 AM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
Yeah I thought you two packed up and left Xnations!!

I love Mont.T I lived there for a ski season way back when it was just a hill and one hotel ..now it looks like little whistler.

If you stay on the 110 past Tremblant my family cottage is about 45 mins away.

It really is a beautiful area. The cottages, family homes and overall real estate is very affordable too. Mag, do you spend much time at your family's cottage?

sweet7 05-18-2004 10:54 AM

Were you staying in the village at the foot of the mountain? Such a nice area, I've never been when there wasn't any snow. Must be nice this time of year.

Magnus3x 05-18-2004 01:42 PM


Mag, do you spend much time at your family's cottage?
Not when I was West but now that I am back East I will make a year trip up there for sure. It's over looks a nice little lake.. great swimming and fishing and cliff diving.

Evil Chris 05-18-2004 01:44 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
Were you staying in the village at the foot of the mountain? Such a nice area, I've never been when there wasn't any snow. Must be nice this time of year.
We stayed at the Fairmont which is at the bottom of the ski hill. Yeah we tend to go up there at odd times, whenever we can get away. It's great for golfing of course, but there are good spas up there as well.

Magnus3x 05-18-2004 05:15 PM


My fave hotel chain..well for the grander hotels. I have a Presidents Club card with them.. some nice perks. They never seem to be in the places we have shows or they are too damn far away from the host venue.

Panky 05-18-2004 11:38 PM

Welcum home! :D It's good to hear you guys had a good time!

ocho-ocho 05-19-2004 06:42 AM

welcome back! post pics....

Gruntled 05-19-2004 09:49 AM

Sounds like an awesome time off! Glad you guys could go. It's important to get out every now and then.

monaro 05-19-2004 04:27 PM

Its always a good feeling to be back, isnt it?:D

Evil Chris 05-19-2004 04:38 PM


Originally posted by monaro
Its always a good feeling to be back, isnt it?:D
as you appear to be! :D

sweet7 05-19-2004 04:39 PM


Originally posted by monaro
Its always a good feeling to be back, isnt it?:D
I'd rather be away than be back as a matter of fact.

dimple 05-20-2004 03:34 AM

hiya! welcome back!

Feynman 05-20-2004 07:22 PM

Re: Did anyone miss us?

Originally posted by Evil Chris
FB and I returned yesterday from a wonderful weekend in Mt Tremblant

I missed FB DESPERATELY :cloud9:

Diva 05-21-2004 01:15 PM

Sounds like you and FB had a great trip Chris.

Good for you guys :)

Black Dog 05-21-2004 06:35 PM

I love Mt. Tremblant. But what can you do there after ski season?

Funbrunette 05-22-2004 09:53 AM


Originally posted by Black Dog
I love Mt. Tremblant. But what can you do there after ski season?
Just think "apres ski" :blush: Hehehehehe!

Magnus3x 05-22-2004 10:54 AM


I love Mt. Tremblant. But what can you do there after ski season?
The Mountain bike scene up there is huge and they have nice lakes there wicked trails for riding or hiking.

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