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Evil Chris 05-18-2004 09:56 AM

Anyone watch Las Vegas last night?
It was the season finale, but it almost felt like a final show... like maybe it's not coming back next season. I hope it does because I think it's one of the best new shows to come out.

McAttack 05-18-2004 11:15 AM

He's going to come back for sure. What makes me think is the Mary and her father thing. I think that'll play out in the first episode of the next season.

It is a good show, especially when you consider that they just slapped in a bunch of models. It's actually good.

kassidy 05-18-2004 01:02 PM

I don't watch much tv, but did happen to catch Las Vegas last night. It was pretty good, I have to admit. I'll have to look for in September when it starts up again. Of course, it's not because the guy who plays the Marine is yummy or anything......... :p

Evil Chris 05-18-2004 01:45 PM

Yeah kassidy... and I don't particularly enjoy Nikki Cox's cleavage either. LMAO! :cool:

sweet7 05-18-2004 02:16 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Yeah kassidy... and I don't particularly enjoy Nikki Cox's cleavage either. LMAO! :cool:
Nikki Cox (droooooooools).....yeah I wonder if they'll bring it back it was a great show but it did seem very terminal as a season finale. They probably did it this way to keep it open ended. They could bring him back or not and that goes for the show as well. Maybe they wanted to create a stir amongst the fans for next season! <-- Not a bad attempt if you ask me.

kassidy 05-19-2004 02:41 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Yeah kassidy... and I don't particularly enjoy Nikki Cox's cleavage either. LMAO! :cool:
Even I enjoy Nikki Cox's cleavage and I'm 100% heterosexual.....

(tell me that's not SUCH a porn name...am I wrong?)

Don Soporno 05-19-2004 08:45 AM

NIKKI COX IS IN IT??? Fuck me freddy, time to get Tivo

McAttack 05-20-2004 11:04 AM

Yeah, Nikki Cox is nice in there but I like Vanessa Marcil (Sam). And of course who wouldn't want a 3 hours wrestling bout with Molly Sims and the girl who plays Nessa! heheh

The show did well with ratings from what I hear so I'm pretty sure it's coming back. Anybody hear about the reality show called The Casino where they let two guys run a casino? Sounds F'ed up

Seska 05-20-2004 11:28 AM

I missed it! What the heck was I doing on Monday night?

And I like Vanessa Marcil too. Since her General Hospital days. :-)

qwebecexpo 05-21-2004 11:04 AM

I love this show, but you know what, maybe all us in this biz love the show cause it happens in a city that we are all related to...

Actually Las Vegas is my second home, I've bben more often to Vegas in the last 8 years than I've been to Montreal, and I live at only 2 hours from there...

Ha OK also for Nikki's cleavage ;)

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