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Funbrunette 05-23-2004 09:15 PM

I'm such a BITCH!
And I love it...lol :cackle: Went out to run a few errands today and I swear I ran into Paris and Nicole Richie "wanabe's" of course being so discreet I had to say something! " Hey look it's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie" If looks could kill I would be dead right now....Come on ladies get your own styles and PLEASE eat! :bonk:

Cold_ice 05-23-2004 09:57 PM

Just cuz your smoking hot doesn't mean you should be mean to the ugly women:cool:

tuca 05-23-2004 10:57 PM

Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Come on ladies get your own styles and PLEASE eat! :bonk:
what do you mean, I'm not the only one that doesnt like bags of bones ?;)

Magnus3x 05-23-2004 11:30 PM

The chicks with truckers hats pulled down just above their eyes.is old. getting older and ready to die.. please please die!!:D

Gruntled 05-24-2004 01:07 AM

Oh, they hate it when you point out that they're copycats, don't they?

Feynman 05-24-2004 02:38 AM

FunB, what's (or who's :D ) coming soon ?

ocho-ocho 05-24-2004 02:58 AM

you really are!:bonk:

sweet7 05-24-2004 05:08 AM

Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
And I love it...lol :cackle: Went out to run a few errands today and I swear I ran into Paris and Nicole Richie "wanabe's" of course being so discreet I had to say something! " Hey look it's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie" If looks could kill I would be dead right now....Come on ladies get your own styles and PLEASE eat! :bonk:
did they hear you 'cause that would have been priceless and I would have loved to see that!

P.S. where's my shirt woman!? :)

nanda 05-24-2004 04:49 PM

I don't think that makes you a bitch....you speak your mind? So what? Good work! ;) I am also with sweet7....when do I get a Tshirt?;)

Ounique 05-24-2004 07:48 PM

FunB, you ever been to LA??? Man, there's tons of people like that. There's so much plastic in this place it's not even funny. I swear, I would love to start some rediculous trend like wearing garbage bags just to see who all would follow it. I can see it now, people everywhere with garbage bags on, LOL! Hmph. I need to get out more. :bonk:

123Jason 05-25-2004 02:02 PM


Originally posted by Ounique
FunB, you ever been to LA??? Man, there's tons of people like that. There's so much plastic in this place it's not even funny. I swear, I would love to start some rediculous trend like wearing garbage bags just to see who all would follow it. I can see it now, people everywhere with garbage bags on, LOL! Hmph. I need to get out more. :bonk:
sorry don...but i have to disagree...you should stay in....all the time...don't go anywhere where other people might have to deal with you. ;)

you know i love you.

Ounique 05-25-2004 02:24 PM


Originally posted by 123Jason
sorry don...but i have to disagree...you should stay in....all the time...don't go anywhere where other people might have to deal with you. ;)

you know i love you.

Listen here 123CheekyMonkey, I'll smake you with a herring if I have to. LOL!

Is Stuve really your last name? I think you should change it to Suave. Then you can be Jason Suave. That's like a movie star name. Hee hee.

Panky 05-25-2004 03:37 PM

LOL @ FB! :D

gnat69 05-25-2004 04:17 PM

I have to agree with you, what happened to dressing for yourself and acting for yourself..... I can and won't tolerate wannabe's

Funbrunette 05-25-2004 10:41 PM

Re: Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by sweet7
did they hear you 'cause that would have been priceless and I would have loved to see that!

P.S. where's my shirt woman!? :)

Ok, now I think it was actually pretty funny!

Hum...Nanda and sweet sorry About the shirts I'm on it :blush: SO SORRY I've been really "away" for a while! but I'm back and I'm going to get my shit together! Am I forgiven? :(

Funbrunette 05-25-2004 10:42 PM


Originally posted by Feynman
FunB, what's (or who's :D ) coming soon ?
Well, I was working on my interview site until I decided to take this HUGE holiday :blush: But I got no regrets I feel 110% better and ready to kick ass! :D

Oh! oh! FUNBRUNETTE is Baaaaaaack! ::-|

sweet7 05-26-2004 10:11 AM

Re: Re: Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by Funbrunette

Hum...Nanda and sweet sorry About the shirts I'm on it :blush: SO SORRY I've been really "away" for a while! but I'm back and I'm going to get my shit together! Am I forgiven? :(

do we get hats too ;) lol!

Feynman 05-26-2004 03:47 PM


Originally posted by gnat69
I have to agree with you, what happened to dressing for yourself and acting for yourself..... I can and won't tolerate wannabe's
Cute girl dressing for themselves?

That's cool but...

Not half as cool as cute girls undressing for me...


Black Dog 05-26-2004 05:08 PM

Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
And I love it...lol :cackle: Went out to run a few errands today and I swear I ran into Paris and Nicole Richie "wanabe's" of course being so discreet I had to say something! " Hey look it's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie" If looks could kill I would be dead right now....Come on ladies get your own styles and PLEASE eat! :bonk:

No pictures? :)


xxxoutsourcing 05-28-2004 12:59 PM

Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
And I love it...lol :cackle: Went out to run a few errands today and I swear I ran into Paris and Nicole Richie "wanabe's" of course being so discreet I had to say something! " Hey look it's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie" If looks could kill I would be dead right now....Come on ladies get your own styles and PLEASE eat! :bonk:
I'm with ya on that, hate skinny girls that are on a diet too!!!

JFK 05-28-2004 05:21 PM

Re: I'm such a BITCH!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
And I love it...lol :cackle: Went out to run a few errands today and I swear I ran into Paris and Nicole Richie "wanabe's" of course being so discreet I had to say something! " Hey look it's Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie" If looks could kill I would be dead right now....Come on ladies get your own styles and PLEASE eat! :bonk:
Why you B I T C H ................How can you live with yourself ??;) Insulting poor wannabees:rolleyes: :bonk:

SexyScribe 05-29-2004 01:10 PM


We need more FunB's in the world, and less Nicole and Paris.

Nice slam babe!

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