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LaughingEyes 06-02-2004 12:23 PM

Honoring Our Military? Hogwash!
As I listened to all the rhetoric during Memorial Day about how our service men and women have served and died protecting our freedom I became angry. What a bunch of hogwash!

When I hear speeches by those, like the maniacal George Bush , talk about the honor of our service men and women dying protecting our freedom when , in fact, they are being led like lambs to slaughter for reasons other than protecting Americans, for political agendas, egos, money, oil, and for countries that would just as soon see the streets lined with dead Americans, it sickens me.

I wrote an editorial on the subject and I won't post the whole thing here as it is rather long. If you're interested in reading it here's the link http://www.aistats.com/editorial.html

Evil Chris 06-02-2004 04:24 PM

Good writing LE. Much can be said about dubya, not just where it pertains to service members. Most of us Canadians hope to see him voted out of office this year.

LaughingEyes 06-02-2004 05:43 PM

Thanks Chris :)

I think most Americans hope to see him booted out of office on his goat ropin' butt.
But Kerry scares the hell out of me as well. Once again we have no viable candidate to fill the office.
Too many personal and political agendas weigh both candidates down. They have forgotten they serve the American people, not the other way around.

Panky 06-02-2004 06:46 PM

Good job L.E.!

Bush definitely needs to go.

My cousin just came back from serving in Iraq. He served his years, even went to war, and it still isn't good enough. He receives calls on a weekly basis, each call becoming more forward and demanding. Basically trying to guilt trip him and nothing short of bribing him, for him to voluntarily become active duty again. It's not enough that he served his time and went to war for Bush's personal agenda.

We are spreading ourselves too thin. This is not good for our country at all. At the same time, they wonder why they can't get enough fresh recruits. They have to keep pressuring the men and women who have served, even went to war multiple times to become active duty, so they can once again ship them off to foreign places that even our own Gov't has to bullshit to try and "justify" American presence there in the first place.

The worst part is, we've got shit candidates once again to choose from. It's boils down to which candidate is the lesser of the evils.

Feynman 06-03-2004 12:15 AM

Or maybe "Which Skull and Bones member you prefer?" ?


LaughingEyes 06-03-2004 12:37 PM


Or maybe "Which Skull and Bones member you prefer?" ?
Oooh, so true! Scary isn't it?


our own Gov't has to bullshit to try and "justify" American presence there in the first place.
Thank you for your comments Panky. It means alot to me :)

The above quote pertains to all wars. I listened to Bush and I hear Johnson all over again. Wars are about financial gains and are promoted under the guise of patriotism, honor, and nobility. Granted our brave soldiers did their duty for all the right reasons and alot of good came out of their sacrifices in some cases. But, in reality, war is not about these things. War is about finance/power/control/agendas. If it were not then there wouldn't be any dictators anywhere in the world.

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