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monaro 06-03-2004 07:51 PM

Something for my mate Sweet!

It takes a little time to load. But click on on of the chicks and then you start this little game where you need to catch all the beer bottles.
The more you catch the more the chick removes her cloths.

Very good!

Panky 06-03-2004 08:50 PM

Oh geez... LOL!

When are you going to get around to showing me the site?

ocho-ocho 06-04-2004 02:59 AM

bwahaha...this is fun!

monaro 06-04-2004 05:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Panky
Oh geez... LOL!

When are you going to get around to showing me the site?

G'day Panky.
When its ready and you will be the first to see it, I have even booked you in to icq yourself about your business and very soon I will contact you for a quotation on your Search Engine Optimization Service =)

For now I will just show you this PolarBear Pic

Did you know;
In most sections of the Arctic where estimates are available, polar bear populations are thought to be stable at present. Counts have been decreasing in Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, where about 3,600 bears are thought to live, but are increasing in the Beaufort Sea, where there are around 3,000 bears.

Have a great day!

samuel 06-04-2004 07:43 AM

fuck! I couldn't concentrate inthe bottles!!..


sweet7 06-04-2004 09:43 AM

Re: Something for my mate Sweet!

Originally posted by monaro

It takes a little time to load. But click on on of the chicks and then you start this little game where you need to catch all the beer bottles.
The more you catch the more the chick removes her cloths.

Very good!

cool my first time with my name in a thread title, thanks Monaro! :D

Panky 06-04-2004 11:21 AM


Originally posted by monaro
G'day Panky.
When its ready and you will be the first to see it,

Hi Dr. Monaro! You are such a tease! :D

Seriously though, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have been up to lately.

AbulletAway 06-04-2004 06:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Damn you! Now I'm addicted. I can't seem to score high enough to see any more of her :(

kaustic 06-04-2004 10:06 PM

now im thirsty!

haha nice

jjjj 06-05-2004 08:18 AM

Playing with it right now :D

randydetroit 06-05-2004 11:27 PM

Pamela Peaks in the Kitchen (13 week series)
Randy De Troit Xec Producer

Seeks adult stars to appear on cooking show, contact Pamela Peaks


Pamela Booking Guests Actual Show Photo (Don’t try this at home)

Copyright 2004 Maxwell’s SilverScreen Productions

Are you hungry for a new level of Adult entertainment? Saturday, June 29th, 2004 at 11:30 PM, Maxwell’s SilverScreen Productions will be hosting an unprecedented gala party in the house to celebrate the premier of our next-generation cooking show on Adelphia Cable-TV. A fun-filled wise-cracking half-hour to take your mind off eating and just relax.

If your answer was YES then…………………

You're Invited to the Launch of Our New WAVE of COOKING shows! The Pamela Peaks/Randy De Troit joint venture of ‘PAMELA PEAKS IN THE KITCHEN’ an R-Rated TV program on how not to cook but how to enjoy oneself in the kitchen and impress your adult friends! Starring Pamela Peaks, not just another one-dimensional bimbo dumb blond porn actress and to show her true humanitarian side she has invited her fans to be her guest in future shows. Can’t beat that!!!!
Let’s listen in and hear what the actress/cook/host/star has to say for herself:

"Hi, I'm Pamela Peaks and I'm here to help keep all you good people alive and well in my kitchen. Hey, even us busty girls get hungry for something other than sex. Can you blame me? In fact I might even be your man's woman, if no where else than on his head, oooopppssss I mean in his head, but hey, there is usually enough room in there so we can share. Sharing is a good thing. And I want to share with my television audience some of my kitchen techniques. And since I'm never alone, I've invited some of my good friends Kat Kleevage and Dick Smothers Jr, to share in this event. Cause this is actually my very first show. Just hope I don't burn the house down. Thank you for coming, in fact I’m tickled pink."




Maxwell’s SilverScreen Productions

Box 265

N Hollywood CA 91603-0265

818-955-6539 office

8775-249-5597 fax

Gruntled 06-06-2004 01:25 AM

I get stuck at the same place: just over 10k, and the girl's down to just the G...

Gruntled 06-06-2004 05:53 AM

Rigged game! I just made 33500, and still no pink!


Sanger 06-06-2004 11:56 AM

Nice Flash game!!! I like Beer since now :D

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