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-   -   San Diego, Internext, where you at? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=7926)

Magnus3x 06-04-2004 10:08 AM

San Diego, Internext, where you at?
Who's going where...?

I'll be in San Diego next week so if you are attending come say hi here:
Thursday June 10th - 6pm-9pm
Second floor of the Bay Terrace Garden building of the hotel in a open air terrace. We will have a GTS Table set up with some give aways to you freebie grabbin mofo's.

If not I'll see you at various mixers I'm sure.

Internext - We will have a nice double booth with our whole team down there..you'll get booth numbers as we get them. This Fla. Internext is my fave show by far so if you plan to attend this one let's hook up and do biz or drinks.

Let's hear it.

Evil Chris 06-04-2004 11:39 AM

Have a great time Mag... We're not going to SD, and I have no plans to attend Internext either. :cool:

Odie 06-04-2004 09:06 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Have a great time Mag... We're not going to SD, and I have no plans to attend Internext either. :cool:
are you going to be around for the webmaster tour?? I'm coming up on the 9th-12th!!:D

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