X Nations

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Devilporn 06-04-2004 05:43 PM

Searching for an honest sponsor?
If you're searching for an honest sponsor, you've got to take a look at Soulcash

Promotional tools we offer:

- 21 paysites in 11 different niches http://www.soulcash.com/sites.htm
- 11 Movies of the day and 10 pictures of the day updated daily
- Tons of hosted galleries...view samples here http://www.soulcashgalleries.com/
- Gallery rotators for most of our sites
- Hosted FPA's
- And many more promotional tools!

Programs we offer:

- REVS 50/50 Rev Share 50% of revenue from referred members.
- CFREE Console Fee Pay Per Join $25 dollars per referred signup with a $5 additional whale bonus for 10 sign ups or more.
- TBACK Traffic Back Pay Per Join $25 dollars per referred signup with a $5 additional whale bonus for 10 sign ups or more. With the capability to send to your own exit console.
- PPS Pay Per Join $30 dollars per referred signup with a $5 additional whale bonus for 10 sign ups or more.

Great incentives:

- 50$/signup each Fridays
- 100$ gift certificates for each 10 joins
- $10 per join increase for one complete pay period

And of course we offer great support to all our affiliates!

Contact me on icq (152036030) if you have any questions

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