X Nations

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-   -   Lightspeedcash announces $30-35 per join on ALL sites! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=7982)

louisa 06-08-2004 07:04 PM

Lightspeedcash announces $30-35 per join on ALL sites!
Lightspeed Media announces $30-35 per join on ALL Lightspeedcash sites, including trials and exit sales!

Sign up now* to promote the hottest amateur and barely-legal teen sites on the net, including Tawnee Stone, Jordan Capri, Little Trouble Maker, Taylor Little, LS-Sorority, and 15 others, and get $30 per signup!

Promote LightspeedWorld, Lightspeed18 or LightspeedGirls and get $35 per signup!

You wanted it, you got it!
"Make Money at the Speed of Light!"

*note all new pps affiliates must have verifiable references from other established sponsors

Louisa - Affiliate Manager

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