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Raya 09-02-2002 01:08 PM

Who do you work for? 2
Evil Chris asked me to start a thread so here it is.
Since I missed the first one I have started a part 2 for all of those that came and missed the first one.

Raya here,

I work with Wasteland as a photographer, I shoot a lot of their original stuff through Wasteland Studio. I work for myself as well, I have 4 brand new pay sites. I do the writing, design and a lot of the photography.

It's been a slow summer but maybe now it will pick up. I'm learning all about traffic and trying to figure it out. If there are any TRAFFIC experts out there let me know I have a ton of questions!

XxXotic 09-02-2002 01:35 PM

well there's not much I don't do. I primarily work for myself and my resources site (see sig) I also do avs (mainly premium) tgp submitting (galleries) have a few TGP's (that I dont allow posts to:D) SE optimization, and work as account manager for yogi's dialers (coming soon)

Evil Chris 09-02-2002 03:09 PM

Raya, I love the fact that you do all of what you do, and you still manage to live on your own boat most of the year.

XxXotic.... you sound busy as well dude... You know that I mainly work for triplexcash taking care of their affiliate program, but I also put a bit of time into this board, and I have a links list too. The links list takes up almost none of my time anymore as it's built and functioning on it's own.

XxXotic 09-02-2002 04:04 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Raya, I love the fact that you do all of what you do, and you still manage to live on your own boat most of the year.

XxXotic.... you sound busy as well dude... You know that I mainly work for triplexcash taking care of their affiliate program, but I also put a bit of time into this board, and I have a links list too. The links list takes up almost none of my time anymore as it's built and functioning on it's own.

yeah I'm relatively busy, though not busy enough yet, I picked up another "job" so to speak selling adspace on a "rival bbs" (hit me up those interested :D) the tgp's i have are exact mirrors of each other (basically for link pop in SE's) and having no idea what i actually wanna do with the domains. So they dont really take up much time. Galleries take me like 15 minutes to make, I usually do 4-5 a day before most people even get out of bed.

Once i get everything straight, I'd like to start my own webmaster program, but we'll see how that goes. I'm takin it 1 day at a time, doin what I need to get done, building friendships/business relationships now and everything sorta falls into place as I go!

Electra 09-02-2002 04:14 PM

I'm half or 'em at All of 'Em :)

teddyz 10-21-2003 12:07 PM

Hey Raya, Wasteland is a good site.

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