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Magnus3x 06-15-2004 05:44 PM

San Diego kicked ASS
NUFF said! beautiful location..nice weather..crazy surf shops and bars....some of the best webmasters I have met in the community...and Mexico....dirty, filthy TJ's Mexico.

On top of it all.. the most productive for business. As proud Canadians we gave away beers and pens at our booth, we even had Moosehead!!!

gunner 06-16-2004 01:40 AM

had so much fun hanging with Magnus in San Diego. was a great time.

monaro 06-16-2004 05:12 AM

Re: San Diego kicked ASS

Originally posted by Magnus3x
NUFF said! beautiful location..nice weather..crazy surf shops and bars....some of the best webmasters I have met in the community...and Mexico....dirty, filthy TJ's Mexico.

On top of it all.. the most productive for business. As proud Canadians we gave away beers and pens at our booth, we even had Moosehead!!!

G'day, Wow man I will one day have the pleasure to attend a cybernet.. Hope it is next year.

Who did you get to network with there? If you don't mind myself asking please.

Have a great day!

Magnus3x 06-16-2004 11:47 AM

I don't mind you asking who we networked with at all. The honest asnwer is almost everyone, the show was a smaller scale so it was possible to meet many peeps, but some big biz notables would be:

- Gunner above.. we are gonna do some biz
- AdamEve
- Battle Girls
- Picasso Productions
- xondemand

We got to hang with a lot of indipendant webmasters and that is great cuz they make up a great portion of our business model and it's great to meet our clients face to face and met so many more.

So make sure you come to one of these events.. you can't afford NOT to especillay us small business guys.

okny 06-16-2004 02:36 PM

Great show a lot of interesting people showed up.

TondaB 06-16-2004 02:41 PM

I agree...SD ROCKED!

Ounique 06-16-2004 06:21 PM

I had a blast! I got to meet up with some old friends and make some new ones. Plus, I got to meet a few poeple in person who I've been chatting with online for ages. Very cool. :)

webgurl 06-17-2004 04:09 AM

Good Times !!! Hey Magnus ,
That was a great convention forsure .:D

Ounique 06-17-2004 01:44 PM

Webgurl! How did I miss you! Damn, next time I'm gonna have to wear a big sign that says Don from Ounique on it. LOL! :)

Evil Chris 06-17-2004 01:52 PM

Good to hear everyone had a great show!

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