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ZanyCash Mel 06-16-2004 03:52 PM

ZanyCash.com Goes LIVE!!
Hello Webmasters!

Please take a moment to check our new Affiliate program at ZanyCash.com

* We offer many programs:
$30 to $40 per member
$25 to $35 per console free member
60/40 partnership & 5% webmaster referral
Weekly Payout, no need to wait for your check!

* Content
With loads of promotional content including, banners, full page adds,
pre-made zips with WMV movies and images with thumbnails ready to go.

* Free Hosted Galleries
In addition to that we have marketing tools such as
a free static hosted gallery generator, which will generate
static pages of movies or images galleries with a reciprocal link to
your favorite TGP at the top of the page.
each webmaster will have his or her own domain when generating galleries
to insure that no TGP rules will be broken while submitting.

* Free Bannerless Hosted
If you’d rather build your own galleries to market,
we also offer (yourdomian.com) free banner less hosting.

* Stats
we have detailed stats with referring URLS to see which of your
marketing campaigns are creating signups

* Full webmaster support
We at ZanyCash believe greatly in strong webmaster support,
NO email will go unanswered, any and all webmaster requests
will be carefully looked at and done if possible!
In other words, If we can do it, We Will

Thanks to ALL
ICQ: 319802120

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