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PornDollar 06-21-2004 08:29 AM

Any webmasters looking for work?
I have project that I need completed by Thursday.

I have a total 409 videos that need catorized by the following:

- Age
- Hair Color
- Ethnic
- Just Blowjob?
- Sex?
- Has Big Boobs
- Group Sex
- Sentence or two of description.

You will be giving a username/password.
All videos are full length and DRM'ed.

You do not need to watch the whole video, just enough to hit all the points.. With the DRM, you won't have to download the whole 100 mb files. (one of the best things of DRM )

All data will need to come in a Excel file or something a programmer can read.. (commma, tab dalimited)

** READ **

Please send a email with a $$$ bid and timeline to jason@porndollar.com or ICQ 116242107.

You can post here.. but, I rather go one on one with this.


- Jason

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