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PattyeCake 11-14-2002 03:07 PM

It's Almost That time again!
Evil one,
It's almost time for the "Adopt a Child for Christmas" program again, Just checking to see if I can count on You again this year??

Evil Chris 11-14-2002 03:58 PM

Pattye I love that program.... it ensures that kids who wouldn't otherwise get a Christmas present get one... or more.
Last time I sponsored a few kids, I had one that actually needed clothes, so I got him a bunch of clothes (and a couple of toys too) ;)

Had another one where the Mom was asking to get books! Books! For Christmas! She said oh yeah he likes to read... So he got a bunch of books! (and a couple of toys too) ;)

Keep us up to date on this Pattye... it's a great program!!!
Every child deserves a happy Christmas morning with presents under the tree!

PattyeCake 11-14-2002 04:03 PM

Thank you Honey,
You of all people know how important this project is to me...
One of the children Insite Adult sponsored last year was asking for a coat... He was a little boy in New Jersey, who at Thanksgiving did not have a coat yet to keep him warm...

Our lovely Samantha stepped right up to the plate and went shopping for that little tyke!

In my opinon, nothing is more important than helping those in need... especially children....

I KNEW I could count on you!
I'll keep you up to date on the Details!!

wsjb78 11-14-2002 04:11 PM

Evil Chris,

what clothes did you give that kid? Spare XNations shirts? *evilgrin*

Good to see that you have such a good heart.... if everyone would care a bit more for all others the world could be such a nice place....


PattyeCake 11-14-2002 04:15 PM


Originally posted by wsjb78
Good to see that you have such a good heart.... if everyone would care a bit more for all others the world could be such a nice place....


Well said....

Funbrunette 11-14-2002 05:23 PM

Pattye..Give us more info on this. Perhaps other people on this board would like to participate! :)

poppy 11-14-2002 06:20 PM

I participated last year and would like to do it again PC. Please keep me in the loop.

PattyeCake 11-14-2002 09:10 PM

I believe the program will launch the day after Thanksgiving... I just got the information on the children tonight....
Will keep you up to date on the happenings!

Thanks Guys!

AcidMaX 11-15-2002 08:05 AM

I might be interested in this as well. Free free to send me an e-mail to support at jetbucks.com with more info.


Evil Chris 11-15-2002 08:38 AM

It really is a great program. Like I said, I couldn't believe the kids who were asking for clothes. Kids never ask for clothes for Christmas... I sure as heck never did.
And if I'm not mistaken, you can sponsor kids from near wherever you live too. Mine have always been from either Ontario or Quebec. It's closer and the packages get their faster.... plus, it's my neighbourhood. :)

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