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Evil Chris 06-23-2004 10:03 AM

Stuff or Maxim?
Which one do you prefer?
I tend to buy more Stuff, but every so often I get a Maxim.

I wish they would put the Maxim humour in Stuff. Some of those jokes are great!

Vid Vicious 06-23-2004 12:05 PM

Aren't they the same ?

McAttack 06-23-2004 01:34 PM

I never checked out stuff. I used to have a subscription to maxim, but I got bored of it after a while.

I kinda go a bit more towards GQ now.

Vid Vicious 06-23-2004 01:40 PM

GQ isn't that a mag for ambiguously gay men?

McAttack 06-23-2004 03:42 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
GQ isn't that a mag for ambiguously gay men?
No, there's not enough nudity for gay men. :) I just got fed up of some of the stuff Maxim was doing. Just download the pics on their site instead.

sweet7 06-23-2004 03:58 PM

I can't tell the diff between stuff or maxim. Both are over 50% ads and product placement.

McAttack 06-23-2004 04:50 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
I can't tell the diff between stuff or maxim. Both are over 50% ads and product placement.
Pretty much any succesful magazine is like that though!

Don Soporno 06-23-2004 05:22 PM

it used to be Maxim but I will never buy or look at another copy of maxim, just a personal choice. I despise Jessica Simpson and anyhting she has to do with and they somehow came up with her as the #1 of the hottest 100 and to me that is rewarding someone for being a complete and total moron.

could someone please tell me if this is chicken or fish, I know the wrapper says corn dog but I have never seen a dog made of corn so it MUST BE chicken or fish??

Shann 06-23-2004 06:34 PM

I prefer STAR lol The only way to find out who JHoe is doing this week. ;)

sweet7 06-23-2004 06:44 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno

could someone please tell me if this is chicken or fish, I know the wrapper says corn dog but I have never seen a dog made of corn so it MUST BE chicken or fish??


Yes her lack of common knowledge and sense is indeed astonishing. Good thing she sings well and is very hot.

Don Soporno 06-24-2004 04:23 AM


Originally posted by sweet7

Yes her lack of common knowledge and sense is indeed astonishing. Good thing she sings well and is very hot.

for me a moron is never attractive no matter what she looks like. I have ot have a woman I can carry on a conversation with and not feel like I am talking to a 3 year old who is just gonna stare back at me and once she finally opens her mouth it will be somehting like this.."are twinkies born with the cream filling or does the easter bunny bring it to them on Christmas?" "Do Ducks celebrate quanza?"

On the next episode of Newlyweds..."Is this fudge or a turd? I know it just came out of my ass and it was in the toilet but it looks like fudge and there are peanuts in it." as the camera cuts away you see nick pulling a pistol from the sofa.

McAttack 06-24-2004 09:28 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
for me a moron is never attractive no matter what she looks like. I have ot have a woman I can carry on a conversation with and not feel like I am talking to a 3 year old.
Yes, if I was meeting a girl in the bar or something, I totally agree with you. But those top lists magazines come out with for the Hottest aren't trying to account for personality or intelligence either. It's purely looks, or else Carmen Electra would never make the list!

I do think Jessica Simpson is hot, but that chin scares me a bit. As for her brains... Well she seems harmless in the end. Not stupid and a bitch, just not too bright.

quotealex 06-24-2004 11:29 AM

Stuff, Maxim, Details and others have nothing on GQ which I have been reading since I was 16;)

Vid Vicious 06-24-2004 12:11 PM

LOL .. I thought I was the only one that thought of Simpson as a moron .. LOL

Is this tuna or Chicken ? it says chiken of the sea

Evil Chris 06-25-2004 10:57 AM

Details isn't too bad. But I'll probably keep buying the occasional copy of Stuff. I think I prefer it over Maxim.

Too bad they don't publish National Lampoon anymore. I used to read that one a lot when I was in my teens.

Cold_ice 06-25-2004 10:39 PM

I prefer Maxim and once in a while I read Cosmo, that way when a chick is trying some sick advide on there I can let her know that she need to knock it of cuz I read that issue also. Some chicks act like its the bible.

pornJester 06-28-2004 06:50 AM

I think Maxim is a better read. The writers are a bit more wittier. Stuff is alright though, we get both here.

gnat69 06-28-2004 04:28 PM

I think they are pretty much the same, but what about FHM, all I know is that I prefer to read men's mag's than the ladies......

and I just want to adorn all the covers....:bonk:

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