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Cyndalie 06-24-2004 10:57 AM

Today on FUSION: Kath Blackwell of Klixxx & a Dreamweaver Tutorial!
Join us today on FUSION with Cyndalie and Brian at 2:00 EST/11:00 PST on YNOTRadio!

Today we will have a very special guest on the show! She's loved, respected, and has mentored hundreds of adult webmasters over the years, don't miss Kath Blackwell from Klixxx.com! We will be talking about how website usability varies when marketing to surfers vs. webmasters, discuss the plethora of webmaster resources flooding the industry today, and talk about how to maximize your time as an adult webmaster.

Cyndalie and Brian will begin 1 of 3 tutorials on Dreamweaver with a general overview and explore tips and tricks for both Mac and PC users. Dreamweaver is a tool no webmaster can do without and these tricks will save you time!

And if we have any time left over we will answer some Q&A's from the YNOT and Klixxx Chat Boards! Have questions about design or marketing? Send them to Cyn@Klixxx.com now!

Please support FUSION hosts, guests, and sponsors!
Kath & Cyndalie - http://Klixxx.com
Brian - http://LiquidFusionGraphics.com - Mention FUSION and get 30% off all design work!

We hope to see you there!
To Listen: http://www.YnotRadio.com
To Chat: irc.theadultwebmaster.com #ynotradio

EmporerEJ 06-24-2004 02:56 PM

Just missed it....
Gotta start watching the clock more!

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