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monaro 06-26-2004 02:05 AM

Evil Chris are you online?
I am about to start my gallery paid listings.
as you might know I push tb this is not going to change.

My question is Chris, I need to talk to you in private if I may please.

Background behind wisting to speak to yourself about triplexcash. I want to mix it up a bit and do some paid gallery placements for your triplexcash sites.

I have no time for free postings and am no more going at this with fingers crossed hoping to get a good listing. I have realised over the years hand sellected tgps deliver the better quality traffic, To have a taste of
their quality i know i am willing to pay.
Quote. "I need to spend money to make money"

This is step 3 of my master plan and I am only a few more steps away from promoting my own.... site. (*boy o boy is panky going to be impressed)

Anyway, I have icq'ed yourself and am not sure if you load icq all the time, so I thought I could contact yourself here.

Have a great day and hope to speak soon.

Evil Chris 06-26-2004 09:00 AM

Hi Monaro! I got your ICQ and replied to it. In fact I just hit you up again. On the weekends, best thing is to email me... :) I don't keep such a rigid schedule of being online over the weekend, but I do check mail and messages often.

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