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TrafficMaster 06-26-2004 12:27 PM

Free Sites
Hi everybody!!! How's everyone doing? I'm new at this job, and was put here becauce I'm the only one they could find to read, write, & spreak english. I don't know anything about starting a free site. I would be so grateful if you could give me a basic idea on how to start. Could you also tell me what "recips link" have to do with free sites. Thanks for your help everybody. Have a great weekend!!!:bonk:

Feynman 06-26-2004 12:54 PM

Re: Free Sites
No matter what good advice you receive, remember: Google will always be your friend, whispering all sorts of little secrets in your ear...


Panky 06-26-2004 02:05 PM

The tutorials listed below are good places to start to learn about all aspects of freesites.

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

l3vi 06-26-2004 11:08 PM

Re: Re: Free Sites

Originally posted by Feynman
No matter what good advice you receive, remember: Google will always be your friend, whispering all sorts of little secrets in your ear...


Right on! do some good SEO and you can enjoy your FS for a long time with SEs.

Something that I learned from a guy I new called Jigsaw, was to use hosted galleries from sponsors on my FS. I would put them in a frame set then, go to town with the ppc and such. The only down side to this is that some LLs wont take you because the content is not local. This never really bothered me as the traffic I was getting was worth it with the time I spent making 10 sites a day.

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