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l3vi 06-27-2004 02:21 PM

Hello and good bye
Hey guys its been, fun an all and I have enjoyed getting to know many of the AWs around this board, but Im getting out of the adult biz.

Me and my wife have gotten tired of all the hype and BS that has come with it, so we are going to go all the way into mainstream where we have enjoyed our self for many years.

Cya around!

sweet7 06-27-2004 02:32 PM

good luck

pf69.com 06-27-2004 02:38 PM

good luck!

best wishes!

Panky 06-27-2004 03:28 PM

Well, it was cool having you around. I wish the best for you and your wife in your new adventures. :D

pornJester 06-28-2004 06:55 AM

Good luck in your new ventures :)

Funbrunette 06-28-2004 08:23 AM

All the best! You're always welcome to drop by and say hello! :)

FeTiShLaDy 06-28-2004 08:27 AM

goodluck l3vi...but it's sad to see you go and leave adult industry...
i know i'm new to this board but i've seen you already to a lot of boards where i post...

Anyway, best of luck to every endeavor you and your wife will have.:)

WEBlady 06-28-2004 08:53 AM

goodluck to both of you! :)

Evil Chris 06-28-2004 10:12 AM

We hardly knew ya! ;)

Best of luck... You're always welcome around here.

l3vi 06-28-2004 09:36 PM

Im trying to keep all the post updated so Im just posting about what was that day all about.. sorry to all that have been confused... Being an webmaster can be stressing..

From the ongoing thread at cozyfrog

Its been rather a stressing day. After the long debate about getting out, I spent most the day driving around the city and country stressing as if I was about to take out a peace of my hart.

I put htaccess redirects on some of my sites, but they lasted about all of 30 minutes, till I could not take it no more, and took it off.

I’m starting to think that I can’t stop doing this, its all I do other then mainstream.

I don’t know if its been the past week events or just today when some dick head AW decided to email about some shit that I could not of done anything about while I was sleeping or what, but I was the last penny on the donkey.

I might just take some R&R for a month or two and come back around to it, and see how I feel about it then.... I just keep looking at my traffic stats and I can’t make my self shut it down.

McAttack 06-29-2004 11:19 AM

Sometimes a little rest is what you really need. There's always bullshit, but that's in any biz. If you already have good traffic, then don't drop it. (or send it to me ;) )

I'd suggest take a step back, re-evaluate it all and simplify your system. Cut the BS, keep the profits going.

gnat69 06-29-2004 12:01 PM

Wishing you both the best for the future!!!:flower:

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