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Cyndalie 11-15-2002 11:19 AM

Congrats to the November Webmaster of the Month Winner!
Jeff Ames of Sexual-Linkage.com Wins November Webmaster of the Month Title

Boca Raton, FL, November 2002 – AdultChamber.com and the Webmaster of the Year Contest Sponsors are proud to announce the November Webmaster of the Month winner, Jeff Ames of http://Sexual-Linkage.com.

Jeff is a marketer and webmaster behind adult search portal Sexual Linkage; a successful, clean, easy to navigate and diverse adult search engine._Jeff’s role is to maintain this site he helped to create, and to advise webmasters of what is converting, programs to promote, industry updates, and to overall guide newbie’s through the rough spots._

Jeff is also part of the team that created the Free4Sex Alliance (http://demo.free4sex.com) which is a profit sharing alliance of webmasters whom work together to promote sponsors and send traffic to portal sites._Each webmaster is diversified to cover the huge range of promotional strategies and profits are evenly shared so new and experienced webmasters have a fair chance to learn the ropes and begin making their mark with some money in their pocket.

Having excelled as an adult marketer and webmaster, Jeff feels some his contributions and strong points have been to “be able to do business without cut-throat tactics…to have the patience and belief that good things will happen to those who do things correctly (although this is a slower route)._The Free4Sex Alliance is designed to help newbie webmasters come together as a team._This allows newbie webmasters to learn how the industry works, what the laws are, and how to promote the right way”.

Jeff’s hard work and dedication makes him a great Webmaster of the Month winner! He has received the November 2002 Webmaster of the Month title and honors, an official certificate from http://AdultChamber.com , a Video Pen Cam donated by http://Payserve.com, and an MP3 player donated by http://Advertising-Link.com._He is also now eligible to win the Webmaster of the Year Title and Grand Prizes including 2 week long all inclusive vacations to Cancun and Jamaica, an Apple IPod, a Palm Pilot, and $2,500 cash!_

The Webmaster of the Year Winner presentation to be held at the InterNext Expo in January 2003, Las Vegas._Webmasters planning to attend, we hope to see you show some support for your fellow webmasters._Nominations are being accepted until December 15th, so get your votes in early! Please visit http://WebmasterOfTheYear.com today.

About the Webmaster of the Year Contest
The Webmaster of the Year Contest runs throughout 2002. To enter the contest you must be nominated, or nominate yourself at the contest website and complete a profile that is your official entry form._Monthly winners are chosen by the contest sponsors comprising the Board Members whom select from top scoring profiles._The Webmaster of the Year grand prize winner is then voted from the 12 Webmaster of the Month finalists and awarded at the January 2003 InterNext Expo._

Sponsors are needed for the 2003 Webmaster of the Year contest._This is a great sponsorship opportunity and a chance to give something back to the webmaster community._For information on sponsor rates and obligations, please contact Contest@WebmasteroftheYear.com.

Contest Sponsors
The members of the board and contest sponsors consist of:
http://www.Klixxx.com | http://www.SilverCash.com | http://www.AdultRevenueService.com | http://www.CashClicks.com | http://www.SmutBucks.com | http://www.Payserve.com | http://www.WebSiteBilling.com | http://www.XxxWebHosting.com

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