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tina 06-30-2004 09:29 AM

tired today
its wednesday. im working in the office and i wanna gooooooooo hooooooooooome!! but it is still 3 more hours to go!! what can i do??? how am i gonna survive the afternoon???? :rolleyes:

suggestions??? :confused:

Gruntled 06-30-2004 09:30 AM

Coffee. Works for me. :happy:

avspool 06-30-2004 09:33 AM

3hrs? hmmmm build 10 avs sites, submit them to avspool and forget them :p

Sarah_MaxCash 06-30-2004 10:15 AM

yeah...hump day here too. I am watching Wimbeldon while I build. I hate this stage of the build/submit/repeat process. When the sites start showing up on google I will be a happy bunny but at this point I always feel like I am pissing into the wind for a bit.

pf69.com 06-30-2004 11:46 AM

sleeping works for me....

tina 07-01-2004 05:23 AM


Originally posted by sarah_webinc
yeah...hump day here too. I am watching Wimbeldon while I build. I hate this stage of the build/submit/repeat process. When the sites start showing up on google I will be a happy bunny but at this point I always feel like I am pissing into the wind for a bit.

pissing into the wind... he he, never heard that expression but i like it, very descriptive. :bonk:

dimple 07-01-2004 04:11 PM

eating while working.......that's what I am doing to make my sleepy eyes awake :)

Raziel 07-02-2004 09:44 AM

it's friday and i can't wait to go home and start my short vacation

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