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Don Soporno 07-02-2004 02:31 PM

its almost time
My wife had to go for a checkup and she is already dialated 2cm. She isnt due till the end of the month and she already lost part of the plug. I was kinda scared that it was gonna be so much sooner then supposed to be but the doctors said the baby is fine he just apparently wants to come earlier then expected.

Funbrunette 07-02-2004 03:15 PM

Woohoooo! Don that's so exciting! Please keep us posted and enjoy the birth of your child! It's priceless and so magical! :)

I had Ryan 4 weeks before his due date and it was a wonderful experience (he's healthy and gained weight fast)! No worries, baby just wants to meet his Mommy and Daddy! :flower:

sweet7 07-02-2004 03:28 PM

I can't imagine how you're feeling Don, I hope all goes well !

dokk 07-02-2004 04:06 PM

Women have been birthing babies and guys have been getting the freak out treatment from doctors and staff for since beginning of time..

You're gonna have a great, super healthy baby and you guys are just gonna cruise right on!!!!

Sending good vibes and best wishes both your ways ;-)

Panky 07-02-2004 04:22 PM

That's pretty cool Don!

Best wishes to you guys! Keep us posted!

Don Soporno 07-02-2004 05:56 PM

thanks guys, I have been telling her for the past few months that there was no way she was gonna make it to her due date, hell she looks like someone stuck an airhose in her belly button and WAAAAAAY over filled. I told her either w eare having twins or Shaq knocked her up....lol

Gruntled 07-03-2004 12:29 AM

Oh, and in July, no less. I'm sure she's begging for it all to be over and to be home with the baby.

Don't let the nurses and doctors freak you out too bad. Half the time they're just talking out of their asses anyway.

pxxx 07-03-2004 03:50 PM


Originally posted by Gruntled
Oh, and in July, no less. I'm sure she's begging for it all to be over and to be home with the baby.

Don't let the nurses and doctors freak you out too bad. Half the time they're just talking out of their asses anyway.

Best wishes Don, hope all goes well with the delivery.:)

BubblyBlond 07-03-2004 08:50 PM

Re: its almost time

Originally posted by Don Soporno
My wife had to go for a checkup and she is already dialated 2cm. She isnt due till the end of the month and she already lost part of the plug. I was kinda scared that it was gonna be so much sooner then supposed to be but the doctors said the baby is fine he just apparently wants to come earlier then expected.
I had my daughter 1 week early and all was fine. Good luck to you both.:xthumbs:

Gruntled 07-03-2004 08:53 PM

Hey Don,

One thing to keep in mind when it is time, though, is to stay with the baby.

You're naturally going to want to stay with your wife afterward, as they whisk the baby away to test and wash, etc. But she'll be drugged, and in good hands. If she knows that you are not letting the baby out of your sight, she will take comfort in that, and get some rest. Meanwhile, you get to be there with the baby for a bunch of "firsts."

You won't regret that in a million years. I haven't. I tell both of my girls about it all the time. :xhappy:

pf69.com 07-03-2004 09:04 PM

good luck dude!!!

and congratz!!!

Don Soporno 07-03-2004 10:46 PM


Originally posted by Gruntled
Hey Don,

One thing to keep in mind when it is time, though, is to stay with the baby.

You're naturally going to want to stay with your wife afterward, as they whisk the baby away to test and wash, etc. But she'll be drugged, and in good hands. If she knows that you are not letting the baby out of your sight, she will take comfort in that, and get some rest. Meanwhile, you get to be there with the baby for a bunch of "firsts."

You won't regret that in a million years. I haven't. I tell both of my girls about it all the time. :xhappy:

our other son is just 16 months so Im exceited to see how they react to one another.

Gruntled 07-04-2004 05:36 AM

One of the best pictures I've taken wsa the day my younger daughter was born. In the hospital room, my older daughter sat in a chair and held her new sister in her lap for the first time. I took it in black&white. It came out really nice. They both love to look at it.


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