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BubblyBlond 07-05-2004 06:52 PM

Big Brother
:D big brother starts tomorrow, wooooohooooo:xthumbs: whose going to watch it:D

Evil Chris 07-05-2004 07:43 PM

Tomorrow! Wow that snuck up on me.
I totally forgot.

Thanks for the reminder BB. :D

Panky 07-05-2004 08:07 PM

Big Brother? :huh:

Evil Chris 07-05-2004 08:33 PM


Originally posted by Panky
Big Brother? :huh:
Here you go Panky...

Big Brother, in it's 5th year. I've watched it every year.

sweet7 07-05-2004 10:24 PM

I wonder what the twist is gonna be...anyway I like The Casino right now. Quite interesting.

trishie 07-05-2004 11:04 PM

oh cool! Big Brother in oz is well on its way... we are down to 7 housemates and one of them is from my home town....

go Trev.......

monaro 07-05-2004 11:17 PM


Originally posted by trishie
oh cool! Big Brother in oz is well on its way... we are down to 7 housemates and one of them is from my home town....

go Trev.......

Big brother here is dumb, they get voted off and then due to a human error they get stuck back in.. I can't turn the TV off at night, its really bad..

BubblyBlond 07-05-2004 11:42 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
I wonder what the twist is gonna be...anyway I like The Casino right now. Quite interesting.
The twist this year is some of the people in the house will be related and not know it, should be fun.The casino rocks!!:bonk:

trishie 07-06-2004 12:13 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Big brother here is dumb, they get voted off and then due to a human error they get stuck back in.. I can't turn the TV off at night, its really bad..
well to be honest i aint a huge "big brother" fan.. but when one of the "local lads" that uve been associated with is in line to win and win big .. your heart just wants to see him succeed .....

go Trev go Trev go Trev

monaro 07-06-2004 02:10 AM

Re: Big Brother

Originally posted by BubblyBlond
:D big brother starts tomorrow, wooooohooooo:xthumbs: whose going to watch it:D
If you got chosen to be on big brother, firstly would you? and secondly would you miss the internet?
Also how would you feel about being watched 24/7 or atleast 23/7 with a nature break?
Personaly, I wouldnt like to be watched all the time, I wouldnt be able to lick the knife, use a spoon to butter my bread, use the t-towel to wipe up spills on the floor. Heck I would be in a mess when I couldnt eat standing at the refrigerator. Never to mind the shit, shower & shave while being watched. I just would go to peices if I had to use a plate when making toast for breakie in the morning.

Got off track there for a second. *Shiver* Enjoy your BigBrother and don't get yourself hooked like I am here.

Evil Chris 07-06-2004 10:21 AM

If I had the opportunity, I would do it. But I would much rather be on Survivor than Big Brother.

Gruntled 07-06-2004 10:27 AM


If you end up on a show like that, just do all of that anyway. Lick the spoon, eat at the fridge, walk around the house in your boxers. They want real... give them real. Then come home with the cash.


Raziel 07-06-2004 10:40 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
If I had the opportunity, I would do it. But I would much rather be on Survivor than Big Brother.
yeap survivor is a more chalenging reality show and more entertaining

sweet7 07-06-2004 10:52 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
If I had the opportunity, I would do it. But I would much rather be on Survivor than Big Brother.
I would do it as well but I'd definately get cabin fever. Survivor is probalby something I'd enjoy more. Even if the conditions are much harsher.

Evil Chris 07-06-2004 12:01 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
I would do it as well but I'd definately get cabin fever. Survivor is probalby something I'd enjoy more. Even if the conditions are much harsher.
I wish they would do a Survivor in a cold environment like NWT or Alaska or something. But that would take the tits & ass factor out of it for the most part, so I doubt we'll ever see something like that.

sweet7 07-06-2004 12:26 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I wish they would do a Survivor in a cold environment like NWT or Alaska or something. But that would take the tits & ass factor out of it for the most part, so I doubt we'll ever see something like that.
You're probably right about the T & A factor, that's not the survivor I'd wanna sign up for that's for sure! :bonk:

Those temps would be way too extreme. Warm temps are different 'cause you can cool yourself off in a stream or something (as all of the survivors had some kind of body of water near by). But if you're too cold....you're screwed (generally speaking). There are things you can do to combat it but not if you're hunting for food etc.

BubblyBlond 07-06-2004 03:25 PM

I'm having a little "Big Brother get together" cum and join us! :angel:

FB you better show up! :bonk:

monaro 07-06-2004 08:42 PM


Originally posted by BubblyBlond
I'm having a little "Big Brother get together" cum and join us! :angel:

FB you better show up! :bonk:

GRRRHMMMM i would need directions to Venus tho!

monaro 07-06-2004 08:48 PM

All members to the Diary Room.

sweet7 07-06-2004 10:19 PM

am I the only one who thought that mud pit was extra lame?

what the hell did they have to prop up the treadmills like that for!? I thougth it was a pool of mud!

monaro 07-07-2004 07:37 AM


Originally posted by sweet7
am I the only one who thought that mud pit was extra lame?

what the hell did they have to prop up the treadmills like that for!? I thougth it was a pool of mud!

No mud pools in the aussie big brother..

And no your not the only one to think a mud bath in general would be lame...

BubblyBlond 07-07-2004 01:41 PM


Originally posted by monaro
No mud pools in the aussie big brother..

And no your not the only one to think a mud bath in general would be lame...

I was not impressed with the season opener of Big Brother 5, I found it boring compared to the other seasons. :rolleyes:

Magnus3x 07-07-2004 01:46 PM

I wonder what Holly King does for a living?? a "Model" it say sin her bio..I wonder what kind..:D

McAttack 07-07-2004 03:42 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
I wonder what the twist is gonna be...anyway I like The Casino right now. Quite interesting.
I thought the Casino would be good, but so far I'm really disapointed cause it looks too fake.

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