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GoodChris 07-06-2004 04:13 PM

X-Nations Tshirt
I lost my T-shirt, or should I say my wife stole it?

Can I have a new one please?

Thanks, .... thanks.

Evil Chris 07-06-2004 04:14 PM

Come on over and I'll give you one face to face!

I have beer. :D

GoodChris 07-06-2004 04:31 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Come on over and I'll give you one face to face!

I have beer. :D

Beer? On My Way!

Vid Vicious 07-06-2004 07:17 PM

I want beer and tee shirts too

monaro 07-06-2004 08:04 PM

I had been wearing it too offen myself. i like even been known to wear it to bed, not for any other reason other than to keep warm now that my bed is lonely =(

sweet7 07-06-2004 08:05 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
I want beer and tee shirts too
They should start giving out those tickets with numbers on them like bakery shops do. I'm after vid.

monaro 07-06-2004 08:13 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
They should start giving out those tickets with numbers on them like bakery shops do. I'm after vid.
Ok, just grabbed a ticket # 3

Beer, can you at least send me a label?

Gruntled 07-06-2004 11:22 PM

T-shirts, beer, and the company of EC and FB, and possibly even BubblyBlonde....

Where do I sign?

:bonk: :xhappy:

Raziel 07-07-2004 08:21 AM

i'm going to get main right now

BubblyBlond 07-07-2004 01:35 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Come on over and I'll give you one face to face!

I have beer. :D

Do you have any dirty movies as well? hehehe...:uoink:

Vid Vicious 07-07-2004 01:59 PM

Umm .. BB ... I can supply those :)

Cold_ice 07-07-2004 02:03 PM

I still need mine, maybe I should ask for it already.

GoodChris 07-07-2004 02:43 PM

bubbly, come on over and we can stream AEBN movies all day.

fuzzylogic 07-08-2004 12:14 AM

who models for those shirts?

sweet7 07-08-2004 05:11 PM


Originally posted by fuzzylogic
who models for those shirts?
you mean on the X Dividends page?

monaro 07-09-2004 04:03 AM


Originally posted by sweet7
you mean on the X Dividends page?

Ni sweet, do you have your shirt yet?
Dont be shy mate, show us all a picture.

sweet7 07-09-2004 09:09 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Ni sweet, do you have your shirt yet?
Dont be shy mate, show us all a picture.

still didn't get it Monaro :(

suesheboy 07-10-2004 10:09 AM

Those are nice looking shirts.

Looks as though I have to earn one!

AudreyLive 07-10-2004 03:33 PM

Did you received the new T-Shirts yet?

Because I don't have mine yet :(

l3vi 07-10-2004 07:37 PM

I have been looking on my doorstep everyday for my T. When is it coming! :confused:

pf69.com 07-10-2004 09:23 PM

I hope I get mine soon...

pf69.com 07-10-2004 09:48 PM


Yngwie 07-11-2004 04:17 AM

how do I get me an Xnations shirt?

Gruntled 07-11-2004 06:40 AM

I'm still looking for mine. I just figured that customs is having their way with it... :bonk:

sweet7 07-11-2004 12:29 PM


Originally posted by Yngwie
how do I get me an Xnations shirt?
100 posts

quotealex 07-11-2004 06:25 PM

Can I come to for a free t-shirt? I'd sure like to see GoodChris face Evil Chris:D

Yngwie 07-11-2004 06:38 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
100 posts
ah, I should have figured that :)

fuzzylogic 07-12-2004 05:26 PM


Originally posted by sweet7
you mean on the X Dividends page?
thats correct Sir!

sweet7 07-12-2004 06:28 PM


Originally posted by fuzzylogic
thats correct Sir!
I believe the boobies belong to FB if that's what you wanna know. I would assume that the male shirs are being modeled by EC but I have no official confirmation on that.

Adina 07-15-2004 04:44 AM

I want a t-shirt alsooooooooo
But I still have a lot..........

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