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-   -   Privatefeeds, Now with Hosted Galleries! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=8329)

DrGuile 07-07-2004 11:14 AM

Privatefeeds, Now with Hosted Galleries!
Keeping in line with their constant efforts to improve the revenue of its webmasters’, PrivatefeedsCash now offers fully customizable hosted galleries plus bio pages. PFCash webmasters can now create their very own galleries from a variety of available templates while customizing each gallery further by selecting content from hundreds of exclusive models. This new system will also incorporate more than one of PFCash’s products into a single hosted gallery, giving you the opportunity to promote them with greater control. For webmasters who are looking for a bit more, try our customizable Bio pages, which features a webcamgirl of your choice, with a selection of her webcam shots.

Come take advantage of this unique new tool at Privatefeedscash.com


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