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PrincessX 07-07-2004 07:22 PM

NEW AFFILIATES: Get an extra $100 on your first check!!
RealBigCash will reward new active affiliates with an extra $100 US on your first check when you join now!

What is RealBigCash? We're an Adult Affiliate Network in which you can...

* Sign up once for RBC and promote 100+ sites, products, & services from the top adult programs available... names you recognize... names you trust! Earn $10-$80 per join!

* Check your stats for all of our partner programs in real-time from one page!!

* Compare & select the sites and products that will appeal to your surfers.

* Gather your promotional materials for each sponsor from one area.

* Only One Pay-Period Minimum To Meet!

* Excellent support!! I'll be your account rep. so just let me know what promo items you need and I'll get them to you asap!

Sign up today and don't forget to mention in the Comments section where you heard this offer so we can be sure you receive your $100 bonus on your first check!



Shannon G

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