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l3vi 07-08-2004 01:09 AM

Copyright violators - BUSTED!

Im rolling in my seat! It only took someone 48 hours to try and brake my copyright on dEvilBlog. They must be shitting them selves when they found out that the script reported their ass! :bonk:

monaro 07-08-2004 02:36 AM

Re: Copyright violators - BUSTED!

Originally posted by l3vi

Im rolling in my seat! It only took someone 48 hours to try and brake my copyright on dEvilBlog. They must be shitting them selves when they found out that the script reported their ass! :bonk:

what ip?

l3vi 07-08-2004 02:43 AM


Well I found who it was and had a chat with them.. It was some type of bug... So I patched it and it should be fine now! :)

If you did download V1.0 please get the v1.2

If you installed v1.0 you can get the patch here: http://www.devilblog.com/updates/index.php

l3vi 07-08-2004 04:07 AM

LOL O well.. I was getting all excited, enjoying my creation....

FYI for those who would like to know.. It had to do how people uploaded the files to their server in dif modes.

If you all get any other bugs, etc... don’t panic, you can pop me a email or hit me up on ICQ

monaro 07-08-2004 07:29 AM


Originally posted by l3vi
LOL O well.. I was getting all excited, enjoying my creation....

FYI for those who would like to know.. It had to do how people uploaded the files to their server in dif modes.

If you all get any other bugs, etc... don’t panic, you can pop me a email or hit me up on ICQ

Big Congrats on your creation!
Have you been able to download the samples from a few other sites also? I havnt had much time to review yours fully, tho I know of a url that looks very interesting with a tool like that.

l3vi 07-08-2004 10:15 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Big Congrats on your creation!
Have you been able to download the samples from a few other sites also? I havnt had much time to review yours fully, tho I know of a url that looks very interesting with a tool like that.

About 6 month ago, my wife got into blogging, and at that time we tried some of the other free blogging scripts that where out there. Let’s just say it was nowhere need to being an easy task to a person like my self with over 19 years of PC development. After that I started developing my own script for her, and then I got the idea that I should package it up for others, and that is where we are today.

fuzzylogic 07-08-2004 10:40 AM


Originally posted by l3vi
About 6 month ago, my wife got into blogging, and at that time we tried some of the other free blogging scripts that where out there. Let’s just say it was nowhere need to being an easy task to a person like my self with over 19 years of PC development. After that I started developing my own script for her, and then I got the idea that I should package it up for others, and that is where we are today.
I know I am new, but the blog ware I have used is pretty easy. What exactly do you mean: "Let's just say it was nowhere need to being an easy task..."?

l3vi 07-08-2004 05:51 PM


Originally posted by fuzzylogic
I know I am new, but the blog ware I have used is pretty easy. What exactly do you mean: "Let's just say it was nowhere need to being an easy task..."?
The blogging systems that I tried, had pre-defined templates, and style sheets witch are easy in a general idea, however they had cut the octal on the style tags so it made it much harder to work with to format the page.

I dont know if you are using a desktop version or not. The versions I tried where only web based as I like web based script compared to having a desktop blog.

If you would take in effect the idea the other blogs that are out there, you still are required to work with their templates. With dEvilBlog you only require at the minimum one line of code plugged into your own template and its ready to run. You can simply take a preexisting site and turn it into a blog or add a blog onto it without having to do allot of work to format other templates or your site to match the template.

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