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Sext 07-10-2004 09:40 AM

GS Submission News. July 10, 2004
GS Submission 3.18.0 was released!

Brief list of changes and new features:

+ Added the automatic confirmation of e-mail messages from TGPs, which use AutoGallery Pro(SQL) v3 system.

+ You can put a value from any profile field to any other field from the profile or generator.

+ Auto submission process has been enhanced - now the submitter is able to get a value from one field and put it to another one.

+ There is a new filter on the Profiles panel - Profile Data. It allows making a selection of sites based on a site personal information. For example, you can select TGPs that have partner account information specified in a personal profile.

+ New option in the Submitter panel in the Options tab - Load Images in Forms. When it's off the images in HTML-forms will not be displayed automatically.

+ Now you can stop loading the page in the Submitter, Browser and History panels by pressing the Esc key.

+ Load From File command in the Template tab of the Generator panel has been improved. Now, there is a filename of recently loaded file near the Load From File button. If you click the filename, then template will be updated from the disk.

+ Now it's available to save e-mail messages from the confirmer to disk.

Full list of new features you can find here - http://gssubmission.com/news/71.html

You can download GS Submission 3.18.0 from our site - http://gssubmission.com/members/.

Good luck!

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