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Have you ever had your nightmare.........
come true. I did early yesterday morning.
I was sound asleep, out like a light, around 4 am Im rudely awaken by this 6ft tall amazon bitch, yelling and screaming that I had better get my ass outta be and turn on some lights, and because I was just waking up, all I could say was what the fuck. She then stomps over to my bed and grabs me by the arm and demands that I get out of bed and turn on the lights or Im gonna get my ass beat. So I climb out of bed only to have this fucking Bimbo start screaming at me HOW COME YOU WERENT AT THE CREST PUB TO PICK ME UP, I suppose your that little slut that with Deni(this is a friend of my sister-in-laws) I of course said who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my home and that I hadnt any idea who the hell she was, well that just set her off and she terrorized me for 2 hours till my sister inlaw got home, She even started to throw around names of HA members, needless to say Ive been informed that I will never see this bitch again. If I do I told them I will press charges of home invasion/break and enter. assault , uttering death threats, she even said that the next time she sees me itll be 6 ft under and that im lucky that i didnt have a gun pointed at my head,and unlawful confinment, she wouldnt let me leave and she had ripped the phone out for the wall. What a nightmare, I finally got to sleep around 8ish this past evening only to wake up to a nightmare of the previous events. |
Canadian chicks are pretty rowdy I guess . . . . this is why we keep guns in our homes
ok so who exactly was this chick
She was some fucked up bimbo who was pissy because my sister-in-law and her buddy didnt pick her up. she figured that I was the sister-in-law.
Re: Have you ever had your nightmare.........
This is another good reason against the handgun prohibition laws.
When you are defenseless, the thugs who flout the law still have guns (it was probably only happenstance that she hadn't, for she made it clear that she could have had one). Fucking thugs like her deserve to be shot on sight. Learn some practical martial art. Unfortunately, the system is not there to minimize violence against the population but instead, is intent on having the peasants (us) in a constant state of defencelessness-induced fear. Suggested lectures: Guns and Violence: The English Experience by Joyce Lee Malcolm More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun-Control Laws by John R. Lott Jr. The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You've Heard About Gun Control Is Wrong by John R. Lott Jr. Outlawing free ownership of guns is the first step to any .dictature. Remember C-68. Their next step is to forbid ammo reloading. Then will come the full confiscation. Then, then thugs will have a field day. ALL of Those Thugs, legalized or not, for they have a symbiotic relationship. The only real, and provably verified deterrent to a thug is the fear that he might have his head blown off. |
I totally agree with you feynman, guess im gonna have to go and get my firearms permit, I think it totally sucks that I have to do this, another way the system is protecting the criminals and not the public.
Make us have permits, and the criminals run around without them what a political nightmare the canadian government has caused. |
I wouldn't have waited to press charges. She would've either been shot, or locked up if that were me in that situation.
I'm very soft spoken and not confrontational by nature, but in a situation like that, all hell would've broke loose. Especially since I'm a real bitch when woken up prematurely. ;) Then to top it off, it's a stranger who broke into my house with the nerve to start yelling at me about someone elses issues. I definitely would've been scared. No doubt about that. Even still, I have a nasty temper and anything within my room would've become fair game to use. That woman needs therapy. Maybe throw in some anger management classes to. I don't agree with the hangun prohibition laws either. I fail to see how it protects people. Criminals are never going to follow the law. If they obeyed the law, they wouldn't be criminals. |
Re: Have you ever had your nightmare.........
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Forget about it Erika. You CAN NOT obtain a firearm permit for self defence in Canada. You can have one alledgedly to protect yourself, but in fact to protect the property of corporation, if you are a security guard, but for yourself, forget about it. Allan Rock, passed what used to be C-68 and is now called the Firearm Act, an integral part of the Criminal Code of Canada. Before C68 was voted into law, here is what he said: "I came to Ottawa with the firm belief that the only people in this country who should have guns are police officers and soldiers." — Allan Rock, Canada's Minister of Justice Maclean's "Taking aim on guns", 1994 April 25, Vol.107 Issue 17, page 12. "... protection of life is NOT a legitimate use for a firearm in this country sir! Not! That is expressly ruled out!". — Justice Minister Allan Rock "Canadian justice issues, a town hall meeting" Producer - Joanne Levy, Shaw cable, Calgary (403) 250-2885 Taped at the Triwood community centre in Calgary, 1994 December. |
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What the rabbid anti-guns conveniently forget to mention is that gun are used (from the top of my head) over 2.5 million times in the US to DETER crime, and in 98% of the case, the gun is never fired, and leads to no police report, therefore does not enter the police statistics.
Erika, I suggest you learn martial arts. Try http://www.martial-way.com/ Martial-Way.com : the martial arts portal for a good description of various martial arts. Aikido, Aiki-jutsu, American Kempo, and a few other martial arts are operational for self defense. Kicks (karate) are not very practical in a street fight, some punches and grips are, and moves from aikido/jutsu, I am told. I am in no way knowledgeable about it, I'm just repeating what I've read and what advanced practitioners told me. Read the bunch of descriptions, and find the one that are taught to police forces in various countries of the world. These will help you. Also Krav Maga Krav Maga is the official system of defensive tactics, hand-to-hand combat and self-defense employed by the Israeli defense and security forces, the Israeli national and military police, and its special operations and anti-terrorist units. Then, Kendo or Kumdo Find some operational martial art, not a competition one, and learn it. It will give you self-confidence and lower the fear factor. And remember: when some right-handed guy pulls a handgun trigger, if nervous, 95% of the time, he'll jerk the trigger and shoot too much to the right (reverse for a left-handed shooter), if you *must* make a move to save your life, do it in the direction of the attacker's hand that does not hold the gun. (valid for right or left handed shooter). In short, the shooter will always tend to shoot too much outside. Of course, such a move must be followed by a blow to the gun hand. Learn self defense. Find a guy who was in the commando and who'd teach you. I know a very good guy in Dawson Creek, an ex-paratrooper, he's a tad far from you, but he might know someone in your area. |
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