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-   -   Oceania Hired as New Producer for YNOT RADIO!!! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=8479)

SEGuru 07-22-2004 11:23 AM

Oceania Hired as New Producer for YNOT RADIO!!!
We are very pleased and exited to announce the newest addition to the YNOT RADIO Team....OCEANIA!!!!

For those of you who do not know her, she has been around for quite awhile, and is a seasoned veteren in this space. Some of you may have HEARD her before on her sites: PeacockBlue.com or Radioactivesex.com.

Her voice is bad ass and when I say the tones from her vocal cords could melt an ice berg...I'm not kidding.

We're going to be introducing her throughout the day on the air, as she is the new DJ/Producer for the station and in training.

So around 11:30am EST, you'll get a chance to hear the sexiest voice you may ever hear...and is now available to you only on YNOT RADIO.

Load the station here and stand by for her introduction:
Hi-Band: http://www.ynotradio.com/ynotradio.m3u
Lo-Band: http://www.ynotradio.com/ynotradio2.m3u

Come jump into the chat room as well, and give her a big welcome to http://www.ynotradio.com

Azure Sales 07-23-2004 12:15 PM

Very cool!!


SEGuru 07-27-2004 12:54 PM

Yeah this does rock...she has great vocal cords indeed! You guys are going to luv having her on the air!

yanik 07-27-2004 01:06 PM

Just missed her!

Heheh, when is her next show ?

monaro 08-04-2004 08:51 AM

Very impressive company.

I have just been catching up on some older news.

Panky 08-04-2004 03:09 PM

She does have a very, very good easy to listen to voice. She'll definitely get people to actually stop what they are doing just so they can listen to her without distractions. :D

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