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-   -   I would like some feed back on my site..could some of you review it for me...thanks!! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=8507)

lifestylest 07-25-2004 02:01 PM

I would like some feed back on my site..could some of you review it for me...thanks!!
1 Attachment(s)
Hey I would like to have some of you to review my site and let my know what you think..we mak our own custom content and invite members to e-mail us with picture and video themes...any feed back would be duty noted and appreciated:D :D

sweet7 07-25-2004 04:53 PM

are we missing something? :bonk:

monaro 07-25-2004 06:45 PM

g'day, is that the url in your banner?

lifestylest 07-25-2004 07:10 PM

Duh might as well given myself the nick name hommer
1 Attachment(s)
its www.lifestylest.com

there is the address..would you belives I didn't even notice I left out the url

www.lifestylest.com :p

anyway heres a new version of the banner..give me a review on both site and banner..thanks

monaro 07-25-2004 07:44 PM

Re: Duh might as well given myself the nick name hommer

Originally posted by lifestylest
its www.lifestylest.com

there is the address..would you belives I didn't even notice I left out the url

www.lifestylest.com :p

anyway heres a new version of the banner..give me a review on both site and banner..thanks

your first banner was better i think, the colors on the 2nd might need changing.

lifestylest 07-25-2004 07:47 PM

well thanks for your opinion
Thats why I like making to or three of the same banner..for info sake!

WEBlady 07-26-2004 08:20 AM

hi there! the site looks ok though i find it hard to stay looking at it because of the background color :)

Panky 07-26-2004 10:34 AM

Welcum to XNations! :D

As for the site...

I'm personally not thrilled about the color choices at all. Having that bright of a background will deter people. It is too much.

On the first sample video, I would clean up the screen cap a bit. It's not the best quality to use as a preview thumb. The video plays well. It's not too long and doesn't give away too much pink.

On the 3rd video, you are giving away too much. You should cut the video where it is a tease and then almost at the very end, show him fingering her.

The very last video is too long. It is 32 seconds. When you look at the whole tour, you are giving away pretty much. Try to keep the videos between 15-20 secs. Some were around 22 secs and that's ok.

The idea is to tease your surfer and leave them wanting for more so they join your site.

Overall, the site is good. The layout works. All your links work. The videos play well.

Gruntled 07-26-2004 12:30 PM


I saw in the site design an attempt to keep the "amateur" edge, hence the odd colors, tables with broad borders, etc.

also, the odd camera angles in the photos and vidcaps. Do you think that these design elements will still deter surfers, if they are to get the feeling that it's a site put together by a neighborhood exhibitionist, and not a company?

I agree with you on the vid length, and the tease factor.

yanik 07-26-2004 02:19 PM

Really amateur! :)

Panky 07-26-2004 02:23 PM

I wasn't referring to the camera angles. I was only referring to screen caps. The first screen cap and the third appear grainy, on the blurry side.

When I look at the site now, I do like the blue coloring much better than the teal coloring that was previously used.

The site does have the amateur feel to it that it is supposed to have. The color combinations used before were just pretty bright and hard on the eyes. If it is hard on the eyes, or too "in your face", it will deter surfers. The background blue is still bright, but the whole color scheme is much better than the teal kind of color.

It's not the odd colors, it's the shade of the odd colors and how they are used together that makes a difference. Yes, you want the amateur look and not some pro designer look, but at the same time, basic color skills still apply. If the color scheme is hard on the eyes, or just flat out doesn't mesh well, it will do more harm than good.

On the changes, "lifestyles.com" is easy to read. The description text below is not with the black shadow. Decrease the shadow a bit and it will probably work better.

Gruntled 07-26-2004 02:43 PM

I'm with you on these points, Panky.

I just like to play Devil's Advocate now and then. It's a nasty habit I got from my High School Psych teacher.

:cackle: :angel:

Panky 07-26-2004 03:25 PM

LOL! Playing Devils Advocate is always a good thing. Keeps people on their toes. :D

cheeks 07-27-2004 11:04 AM

Re: I would like some feed back on my site..could some of you review it for me...thanks!!

Originally posted by lifestylest
Hey I would like to have some of you to review my site and let my know what you think..we mak our own custom content and invite members to e-mail us with picture and video themes...any feed back would be duty noted and appreciated:D :D
I like the concept of the bigger girl thing.....as for your site - I believe you can do better on the overall design....

It seems a bit boring (spending some bucks on a design never hurts I think) and I agree with some others with the choice of color.....The color doesn;t get me excited enought to stay on the page.

Also, some of the thumbs could be made better.


lifestylest 07-27-2004 11:13 AM

Okay now we got that out of the way lol
After all the work I did at completing it along comes a critic..with an attitude..:p lol any way I like the design now..after all the advice given by the real people above you! I think in plain talk they did more for helping out than tearing down..anyhow later dude!

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Opinions are like as_h_l_s everyones got one!!!

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