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lifestylest 07-26-2004 04:06 PM

Well thnak you for your suggestion and advice
1 Attachment(s)
Well I took everyones suggestion came up with what I think to be the finally tuning of the site....patient on the teasers I am just in the process of editing them and putting together com more clear pictures..as for the angle on the camera..have decided just to clip some updated videos and place them there..lots of laughs..but honest I see what you mean...so please take another look for me... I would deeply appreciate it..love advice..sometime helps a person out of bad situations! Fine tuning is alway a troublesome time!

That you all for your assistance!:D :D two thumps up!



p.s tell me what you think of this new banner

Panky 07-26-2004 04:54 PM

Looks good! :D

yanik 07-26-2004 06:46 PM

Its better,

But the background blue is too aggressive imho...
Personally i would prefer some light blue instead.

Are you planning to accept visa with ccbill? Just curious :)

lifestylest 07-26-2004 07:09 PM

Thanks everyone for your assistance in fine tuning
Thanks for all the advice and opinion....I took it all put it in a basket....mixed it up worked all day and what you see is what has come out of all the coloring it up..tuning it and now I am please... as for accepting visa... I plan on it in the very near future---currently I have everything but!...oh even fixed the text.........and reclip some 10 -second teasers off the raw video! gave a little mixture of diffent types of actions and left it at that!

So yes yanik the the visa question..but must sweep the floor before one gets to the mop

Anyway please people take one more glance at the site I think everyone will agree with my..this looks fantastic now and believe I am feeling very pleased right now..but couldn't have done it with yea!

www.lifestylest.com :D :D :D :D

yanik 07-26-2004 07:43 PM

Getting better and better!

But you still have some very aggressive blue in the middle :P

lifestylest 07-28-2004 12:08 AM

hey Yanik
In regards to Visa through ccbill.... i am in canada....so the chance are ..probably not...I am looking up here in Canada for a new processing company i just ..went with ccbill for now on the advice of a friend....!!!

yanik 07-28-2004 03:45 PM

maybe you could check verotel or netbilling :)

lifestylest 07-28-2004 04:32 PM

Okie dokie
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Yanik

Anyway I have done lotes of fining tunuing on that site...and personally i like the way it stand....blue might be agressive somewhat...but i have darkened it up a bit...don't like black to much -- and from what I had it like before this is a bloody miracle...anyway visited you site....all in french..can't read french!

I cleaned up the video and the picture caps....checked all the text and put it through spell check and everything else....and to tell you the truth I am quite fine with what it looks like now.....and thanks for the advise will do so on the verotel and netbilling...appreciate it...but don't you fined to your site aggressive on the red and colors ????????

joking :D :D :D :D

smile later

new banners here

yanik 07-28-2004 08:56 PM


Yes it is pretty aggressive, this is just an old dating site, started it like this 4 years ago and now everybody is used to it, not sure if i should change it, but ill start other dating sites with better colors soon :P

If you want im also into paysites, you can check out our last one: www.mtlam.net

Feel free to give me your comments!

lifestylest 07-28-2004 09:56 PM

Hey Yanik I looked at your site..and thought it was really nicely done... a very nice site....this one is my first one this is why I have been asking people to give me so much feed back...but I did take you adivce and tone it now even more..why don't you take another looking..... I think by george I got it!

Anyway if I wasn't such a determined bugger I would have given up by now..but nope! I use of grey on grey with a hint hint of other colors...!

like the picture lay out it pretty nicely done!



Cold_ice 07-28-2004 10:51 PM

That blue just dosen't do it for me. Banners are okay, but not great, yet.

yanik 07-29-2004 11:05 AM

Thanks for your comments!

My designer is pretty good :)

As for your site, i dont know man, its kinda dark, maybe thats what you want...

I dont mean to offense you saying that but, with all the time you spend on your design and with the results it gives, maybe you should consider hiring a designer ? :)

lifestylest 07-29-2004 12:28 PM

Well yanik I must say:
Hey bud you couldn't offend me with your opinion's! Because after all we have our own taste and dislikes.....but in all this I was original looking for comments that would better in provie the design..and for some of the sites I hvae seen our there I am doing fine!... Anyway you must have looked at it early this morning after the first up load or maybe even a few min's agao..yes the back ground is a bit dark but thats what I creat on my photoshop, and quite honest..its the wife who wants those colors...she thought and agreed that the background was to aggressive...So I give you an "A," on that -- honestly I think you just don't like blue...lol

But anyway the site is just what I want now! Its easy to navigate around, directs people to where I want very easily and as you know most surfers..can't read all that much and are more looking for the free stuff on the site..... so I tried to give a little of both....but lets face it customer retention and need out way even the designers.

Also the site is an amateur site using pretty much unknow assistance...it not meant to look extremely proactive...in the professional foundation.

Now having a professional design it quite good for many people that claim amatuer statis.....but from the words of a good friend of mine...try to keep it simple as you can!

Now in the design I was originally thinking up ways of cleaning it up and entwining it with a bang bus...or cumfiesta style..well retaining some sort of systematic preview ..well I accomplished this I think quite well in fact..turned out much better... it gets the point to the person viewing it quite simply!

What I was looking is a way to do something I feel I didn't accomplish

As for the colors I choose those colors based on writing down many peoples opinion and then trying them all at different times.. and once again asked people to relook at them!

As for it being to dark a back ground...I don't think so I like it honestly---dark blue with balck speckles in it to adds grain to the back ground..to off set the light blue color.....nope this site stays the way it is I find even the text easier to read.....and all the work I done in it now it satisfying

However I thank you for your opinion and really used a lot of what you commented on and others.......but now i am happy it does it for me and the wife.......naw man I never get up set.. I am to busy researching, asking opinions, and addressing things until i feel satisfied with the out come! After all a webby who things he has all the answers and he knows better..well thats a scary thought in all this!

Because its all a matter of taste!!

Maybe on my next the next one I build I will try colors similair to your see..wait I did and asked the boys over at crozy frog..lol...and they told me there opinion too...never did it over there for them either..well any way the bottom line here is customer satisfaction ..not my own...i get the pride out of running the site, shooting the video, editing, pictures...promotions.....and talking with others in the adult industry!

It's not about me! its about the nitch and consumer market environment! So know I can't take anything person...its only a job! and I did check out your processor info......but I can get visa through my own ccbill apparently..just got to pay them 1500 and I can do it!

So given the fact visa accounts for 80% of the net marketing sales ..am working on that right now........The one thing I have learned in all this is hey we have views, values, directing..that set us a apart....one must account for the amateur nitch you are seeking!

Thank Yanik for your opinion ..but I really tihnk you don't like blue
:p :D :D

yanik 07-31-2004 02:31 PM


Well im glad you are happy with your site!
I wish you good luck converting and retaining customers...

On www.montrealamateur.net i do 1:200 from banner traffic.
Its not so good but not bad...

I do like blue, when its not too dark/aggressive :P

Im actually building a dating site for #montreal on undernet.org irc network... look at the colors: www.montrealundernet.com :)

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